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Monday, August 27, 2007

Californication Continues: 3

CalifornicationCalifornication continues ... and continues to be so funny and laughing out-loud sexual that it's hard to write about it without posting an R rating, or whatever they might call it for blogs. No promises - and I think the rating system for movies is inane, anyway.

The main plot line in tonight's Episode 3 on Showtime has Hank running into Meredith (played by Amy Price-Francis - just fine) - the redhead he was rude to in the first episode (she wanted to talk to him about Hell-A Magazine - I actually didn't think he was so rude). He apologizes tonight, they sleep together (of course), and Hank apparently really pretty much likes her - even though "drowning in a sea of pointless pussy" seems to be the theme of this episode, if not the entire series at this point.

All of this was customarily enjoyable and funny.

But the two scenes that really got me laughing tonight, for some reason, were:

1. Mia, the beautiful 16-year old who doesn't look sixteen and punched Hank twice, comes by unannounced, looking for something she can use as an assignment for her creative writing class. Hank says he doesn't have anything. Mia says, come on, you must have "some piece of shit short story" around here somewhere. Words that rang true - something that every writer has a least one or a lot more of ...

2. Even funnier was a scene with Hank's agent Charlie (Evan Handler - good actor, good name - you want that in an agent, or at least an actor who plays an agent). Anyway, Charlie fires his secretary - slightly gothic Dani, nice, and nicely played by Shaun's Rachel Miner - for getting him the wrong kind of soda. It seems she's always making these sorts of mistakes. By way of apology, she sends Charlie an email, with a slide show of her scantly dressed, in black ... to which Charlie masturbates. The pacing, the photos, the expression on Charlie's face, the phone call at the end, were just right. And hilarious. And, of course, he rehires her. (And she advises him to "punish" her if she does anything else wrong, which, of course, she soon does.)

Great writing, with more laughs per minute than anything on television or in the movies.

See reviews of other Californication episodes: Californication Going On Mondays ... 2 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ...
10 ... 11: Pivitol Mia ... 12: Californication Comes ... To a Season's End

5 minute podcast review of Californication

The Plot to Save Socrates

"challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly

"a Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News

"Sierra Waters is sexy as hell" - curled up with a good book


  1. Hi. Was looking around the web for info on Charlie's secretary, for obvious reasons after Ep3. Turns out that it's not Lucy Davis as reported in your blog, it's actually Rachel Miner (

    Nice blog by the way.

    All the way from Down Under.

  2. Corrected! Thanks for letting me know.

    The two look pretty similar, and it would help if Californication put the characters' names in the screen credits ... anyway, Rachel is great.

    Glad you like Infinite Regress.

  3. Lucy Davis continues to look slimmer and slimmer on American TV, after a lovely turn on several episodes of Studio 60 in slightly reduced form.

    I think she's still adorable, but am sad that that seems to be the way it goes in Hollywood...

    And Californication is just lovely... and at the moment, constitutes the only show where I can read your thoughts on it in something like real time!

    This show could almost have been written with me and my girl in mind: A lot of nudity, a very dark, subversive eye on society, hilariously funny, but with this distorted but very real romantic core to it.

    Girl One is watching through her complete Sex And The City boxset, so I'm catching those by osmosis, and I'm amused by how much Californication defines itself by it's contrast to that show. When I've got a second, I'll have to order my thoughts on that subject a little more, because it sounds a bit vague said like that!

  4. Written with you and your girlfriend in mind? :) whoa, Nic - my hat's off to you that you get any writing done at all...

    But, when you come up for air, do tell about Sex in the City & Californication - sounds like an interesting thread to pursue...
