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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lost 4.7: Flash Both Ways

A beautiful, bittersweet episode of Lost tonight, featuring Sun in a flashforward, about seven months into the future, giving birth to her baby. She is definitely one of the Oceanic Six.

Jin is rushing to the hospital with a big stuffed panda bear baby present. Sun calls out for him in the delivery room...

But Jin is not among the Oceanic Six. What we're seeing here is not Sun and Jin in the same flashforward. Not Jin in a flashforward at all. Jin's in a flashback, from before he and Sun wound up on the island, and the stuffed panda he is bringing is a present from his boss to the ambassador, whose wife is having a baby.

This flashback mimicking a flashforward is deftly done - Jin pays a lot of money for the stuffed panda he brings to the hospital, and we think Jin has this money because he's one of the Oceanic Six. But it's his boss's money he's waving around...

Jin never got off the island. Sun, accompanied by Hurley, takes her newborn baby to Jin's gravesite. The date of the death on the tombstone is 22 September 2004. But this isn't true either. Jin of course is alive later than that - we know this is true, and of course that's when Jin fathered Sun's baby. So the date of death is a lie - likely Jin is one of the people that Kate couldn't save, in the lie Jack told about their time on the island at Kate's trial.

But Jin's death is likely not a lie. Though, perhaps, just perhaps, Jin lives on the island, if the island's recuperative powers work their magic on whatever the injury that killed him.

The island, as we know, is not only a powerful restorative for some people, but is a powerful adhesive that keeps its inhabitants close at hand. It certainly kept Michael nearby - or, any rate, Ben did, for we find out tonight that Ben's agent on the boat is Michael - which was the obvious choice (especially since Harold Perrineau's name has been in the credits from the beginning of this season).

And the big question now is: who is the last of the Oceanic Six? Not Jin, not Claire (since Kate is now Aaron's mother) ... not likely Locke, who of all the original Losties is the most attached to the island...

I'll say it's Sawyer...

See also...

Further Questions about Lost 4.4: Jack and Aaron, Kate and Sawyer

1. Lost's Back Full Paradoxical Blast 4.1 ... 4.2: Five Flashbacks and Three Rational Explanations ... 4.3: Thirty Minutes and Big Ben ... 4.4: Kate and ... ... 4.5 Desmond 1 and Desmond 2 ... 4.6 The True Nature of Ben ... 4.8 Michael and Alex ... 4.9 Daughters, Rules, and Some Truth about Ben ... 4.10: Almost a Dream Come True ... 4.11 Unlocking Locke


2. More Thoughts On Lost 4.1: Those Who Went with Hurley and Those Who Stayed with Jack and Two More Points about Lost 4.1

special 5-minute podcast of this Lost review and analysis

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  1. My guess is that Juliet is the sixth. I kind of envision Sawyer doing some sort of heroic self-sacrifice toward the end.

  2. Also, I wonder if Michael deliberately left the blood on the wall so Desmond and Sayid would be sure to see it.

  3. Good point about Juliet. Well, that theory of mine lasted less than 60 seconds. lol.

  4. :) well, at least you spelled her name right (I don't know where I got "Julia")....

  5. Whoa. Wait a second. I thought the Oceanic 6 are...

    Sayid (sp?)
    ...and Claire's child (now being cared for by Kate).

    Did I goof in my calculating/guessing?

    Damon Z.

  6. Oh, darn. I said Jin. I meant Sun.

    It's past my bedtime.

    Damon Z.

  7. damon ... :) ... I know the feeling.

    I know a lot of people think Aaron is one of the Oceanic Six. But I'm thinking it's stretching the definition of passenger to say he, in utero, was a passenger on the plane...

  8. Paul--I too have been in the group that claim that Aaron is not part of the Oceanic 6. However, the preview for this week's episode said "Find out the last of the Oceanic 6". So I expected that the Last of the Oceanic 6 would be Jin and Sun. Since Jin is dead, and she was the only new reveal, then I have to conclude that the writers are counting Aaron--who was absolutely not a passenger as he was not on the manifest. The ABC-made previews have lied before, but I fear that this time they did not and that Aaron is one of the 6. Love your blog by the way...

  9. Thanks, anon! :)

    We've definitely been misled by previews before - also, my wife thought maybe the preview was saying we'll find out the last of the Oceanic 6 in the next two episodes (of which we've seen one so far).

    We'll probably know for sure, one way or the other, next week...

    Great season this year, in any case...

  10. But what about the person whose funeral Jack went to in the first flashforward? Do we know who that was yet? Is that person possibly one of the six?

  11. Okay my friend here is my theory, Michael is part of the oceanic 6. It would make sense with the coffin scene. Can't wait to hear where Walt is. The flashes tonight good stuff

  12. Michael - well, the body in the coffin could one of the Oceanic Six - but could also be Ben...

    Dawn - definitely a possibility. (My wife also thinks Michael could be the 6th.) But ... would Michael leave Walt on the island? Presumably, he stayed, and is working with Ben, because he wants to be near Walt...

    Great stuff...

  13. Incidentally, do we know for certain that Jin was *not* one of the Oceanic 6?

    If the "6" are defined merely as passengers (who were listed on the flight's manifest) who eventually made it back home, then Jin could have met an untimely demise after having returned.

    ... unless the "6" are defined as those who made it back and are still alive.

    Sheesh. My head's spinning and my day hasn't even begun yet. LOL

    Damon Z.

  14. That's a good point, Damon. The impression we're certainly being given is Jin was not one of the Oceanic Six, but you're completely right that we can't rule out his having been one of the Oceanic Six, who was killed or otherwise died after leaving the island...

  15. PS about Jin having been one of the Oceanic Six who died after leaving the island - that would be at odds with the date at the gravesite ... which we know is false, but if Jin died in any publicly known way after leaving the island with Sun, then the gravesite couldn't have the September 2004 date...

  16. Hi,

    I have a couple (ha!)questions

    1. Did Sayid say he was an Oceanic 6 or are we assuming that because he was off the island. Could Ben have brought him over?

    2. Can Hurly just come and go from Happy Acres? is he a patient, does he own it because of his lottery money ? Do you think
    Sun's delivery is before (or after) he goes there?

    3. What happened to "the numbers" that were so important in the first couple of seasons? It's weird they just died out.

    4. Aaron would definetly not be counted even if they counted Claire's unborn baby because everyone is assuming he is Kate's baby right? I'm still fuzzy on the timing of how that's believable!

    5. Are we thinking Desmond is the only one with time traveling (actually more time witnessing) ability? Oh and Walt! He must be able to leap to explain the "Big Walt" that Locke saw (and a way to explain his getting older when the adults haven't)

    Could Jin be time traveling?

    My point is could his previous
    (Sept 2004)self die, while a more recent (Dec 2004) self lives on (especially on the island?)

    6. I'm so suspicous of everything now when I watch. I thought the nurse and Dr. insisting Sun take off her rings, was a lead up to "something!" and it just wasn't. And I thought that "something" was Ben switching babies when Jin put the blue ribbon on the Panda.

    7. Had Desmond ever met Michael?

    8. It's funny how minor Jack's leadership is now (without anyone to lead!)

  17. 1. Sayid was definitely in the airport before the plane took off. He had a bit of trouble with security when the blond girl (Boone's sister) reported that he had abandoned his bag.

    6. I think the ring thing was to give a hint that Jin was dead. That was probably the first time Sun had removed the ring since he died.

    By the way, did Jin's tombstone have a life-size sculpture of an airline seat on top of it? Is that standard practice for crash victims?

  18. Hmmm, I don't know abut the gravestone thing maybe in China (is that where they are?)it is, or maybe the Oceanic airline supplied them. (Or it was just a visual so we knew Jin was one of those whom it was agreed "died in the crash"

    I knew Sayid was on the flight in, I just wasn't sure if he is condidered one of the rescued Oceanic 6, or if Ben snuck him off the island to be his henchman.

    The black box was interesting!

    Are we to believe it hasn't been opened?

    The Captain (yes man to Penny's dad)said Ben planted the fake plane.
    Maybe Ben, maybe Penny's dad.

    If Ben, why wouldn't he have planted a fake black box or taken the original one? and why would these people have it

    Is he trying to say Ben caused the plane to crash? or just assured they wouldn't be rescued once it did? Ben seemed surprised when it happened, but you can't believe that.

    And if he jet setted off to the US whenever he wanted, why was it such a big deal that Jack, the neuro surgeon, landed on the island? He could have had his tumor removed anywhere.

  19. Hey White Bear (and TVindy) -

    1. Sayid definitely said he was one of the Oceanic Six (on the golf course)...

    2. I at first throught that Ben's or Widmore's henchmen were trying to drug Sun, maybe take her baby, and maybe kidnap Jin on the streets...

    In retrospect, I think that was good writing - designed to make us feel that Jin was indeed in the future with Sun, and the two were under attack...

    3. I don't think Jin is/was time traveling...

    4. I'm pretty sure Desmond and Michael never met. The only chances would have been at the beginning or the end of season 2 ... it might have happened ... but I can't recall any significant interactions between them...

  20. OK...So Oceanic 6
    I have the same list as damon z...have we decided who the 6th is?
    (Michael is going by another name now so it's not him right?)
