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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thoughts about Lost's Season 5 Finale One Month Out: Richard and Jacob

It's nearing a month since Lost's Season 5 finale was broadcast, and I thought I'd post a note about something that's been bothering me about the finale, the more I think about it.

To cut to the chase: Richard should have been Jacob.

After all, we already saw Richard off the island, with young Locke, and in helping get Juliet to the island. We already knew that Richard was immortal. We already saw how life-and-death significant Richard was in Ben's young life - at least twice (saving Ben's life after Sayid shot him, and helping Ben overthrow Dharma).

So what point was really served by introducing a brand new Jacob character - someone we have never seen before, making the rounds to see all the original 815 major players? Would not the Jacob character have been much stronger, more compelling, had he been revealed as someone we already knew - indeed, someone who we already had seen making the rounds with Locke?

Perhaps Richard will have a role in the final season which will justify his being overlooked as the perfect Jacob - but, for now, I'm thinking that Lost missed a golden, tingling opportunity.

See also Lost Season Five Finale: Jacob and Locke

5-min podcast review of Lost: Richard and Jacob

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  1. I hear you...and I certainly hope that RA plays as big a role as I'd always hoped. I wonder now though, seeing that he may be more of a messenger than god. And the introduction of these two new characters (at least physically in Jacob's case) was a bit on the awkward side. Of course I'm still very excited to see what's coming.

  2. I don't know, I kind of feel like I would feel cheated if Richard Alpert had been revealed as Jacob. I do kind of wish that we'd had Richard and Jacob at the beginning of the episode - perhaps with a different conversation - instead of having the mysterious man (played by the wonderful Titus Welliver) make a threat and then seemingly not using the original actor again.

    I do hope that Richard figures into the bigger picture of whatever is coming; but if I have one thing that I feel disappointed in from the finale, it's the introduction of Jacob only to have him (seemingly) killed by the end of the episode. With all the story and entangling plot-lines this series has done, that seemed very forced.

  3. Im sorry, but i disagree with that. I feel that Richard not being Jacob fit perfectly into the islands mythology. Richard never made the rounds with the original 815 survivors, only with Juliet and Locke and they werent even because he really wanted to. Im sure that Ben told Richard to seek out Juliet and Locke himself told Richard to find him. Richard is just the Others go-to guy because he was a former leader and, since hes been on the island forever, knows his way around the island.

    Another quick point i would like to make is about Jacob's nemesis. The first we see of Jacob's nemesis in his presumably true form is whenever the Black Rock is heading toward the island. During the argument they have there, it is alluded that there have been other people on the island before and the same cycle has repeated itself of people arriving, fighting and dieing. I would like to know a little bit more about that. When Jacob knows that his nemesis found the loophole the nemesis says "you have no idea what Ive gone through to be here." I would like a little explanation of exactly what he meant by that.

    My final question for the series though, is what is the significance of the "touch of Jacob?"

  4. The simple explanation is often best, and in this case it is as follows:

    He is Richard, and so why would he be Jacob when he is already Richard? :)

    I know this seems trite, but apart from individuals lying about who they are, have we had any instance of a named person suddenly turning out to be another named person, whose name we had already encountered?

  5. "Jacob knows that his nemesis found the loophole the nemesis says "you have no idea what Ive gone through to be here." I would like a little explanation of exactly what he meant by that..."

    For that one I think you really need to work out exactly when he took on the persona of Locke. Or it could've been a tongue-in-cheek remark refering to what Locke had been through to be there???

    And just to comment on the original post... I'm guessing that we'll have lots of Richard back story in the final Season.

  6. Richard being Jacob would have negated the whole dynamic Jacob had with Ben. Ben ended up killing Jacob because despite being the leader he never saw or talked to him, that he perhaps was never special to begin with. Ben knows Richard extensively and the big point is that Ben doesn't know Jacob at all.

  7. i can seem where you're coming from . . .But I think Richard will not only probe pivotal but be a huge surprise in S6.
    My brain exploded after the Incident, so it will take a while to process all the new variables.
    Did call Jacob as person/demi god before S5 finale.
    And Claire's return - or just plain Claire - is linked to Statue (look up Egyptian . . .and you'll find Charlie Pace as her metaphorical Sidekick). Do think Aaron and Jacob are linked. And though I don't think Richard should literally be Jacob -- do think you're close to big S6 surprise with your theory.
    A goofy theory/wish of mine is Richard is Daniel's biological dad.
