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Sunday, June 14, 2009

True Blood Pours Back In

True Blood poured back for its second season premiere tonight on HBO, and it was a hot episode indeed.

First, as I said at the end of Season One, I had a feeling Lafayette wasn't dead - and, sure enough, he isn't. But he's not in a very good place. Erik has him prisoner in his dungeon, and if and how Lafayette gets out of this (I'm of course thinking he will), should be one of the more interesting threads this season.

So will be the relationship between Sam and strange Maryann, who, we see tonight, loved Sam (that is, made some kind of wild love to him) when he was a young dog (17 years old as a human). Maryann also seems interested in getting Tara together with a dude already on Maryann's estate.

In the rest of the world, a woman is found outside of Sam's bar and grill without a heart - who took it?

And Sookie and Bill are in fine, if a bit predictable, form, with Sookie upset that Bill doesn't confide completely in her, and later that Bill killed Sookie's great uncle (who had abused her as a girl). But they make it all up with their most passionate, unclothed love scene yet, and Sookie looking better than ever.

Another element I especially liked, given our political climate, is the continued background tension about vampire rights. As sentient, human-like beings, vampires certainly deserve them. But whether they get them, given the fundamentalist, no doubt Republican climate - in which Sookie's brother is now naively basking - remains to be seen.

Though, to be fair, in our real world no group is deprived their rights has cruel characters like Erik - which is part of why True Blood is such a compelling show.

See also 2.3: Love and True Blood in the Air and True Blood: Last Bite of the Season (1)

5-min podcast review of True Blood

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