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Monday, February 1, 2010

Big Love 4.4: Bill and Don

The moment that most stood out in this high-octane, can't catch your breath episode of 4.4 of Big Love - the way it's been playing this whole superb season - is when Bill asks Don to take the hit for him, and reveal himself as the polygamous tax-manipulator at Home Plus.

On the one hand, Bill had no choice. His political opponent is going for the jugular, and Bill's run for office could well have been over before it started, had the truth about Bill come out.

On the other hand, I'd have liked to see Bill not just put his friend forward as the sacrificial lamb - I thought, and still do think, that Bill puts loyalty to true friends above just about all else. I guess the unhappy lesson is that once you enter your boat into the rapids of politics, you'll throw just about anything overboard not to drown. I'm also confident that Bill will make it up to Don before the end.

The political thread of Big Love is so incandescent, it outshone just about all the other filaments of this season's story, though most of the them tied into the political battle anyway.

Ben first takes the full "blame" for Margene's kissing him - but Margene tells Bill the truth moments before he's about to make his campaign announcement speech. Ben's going to leave home for a little bit (I hope not the show). Teeny, by the way, is the one who tells Bill and Barb that what's going on between Ben and Margene is more than a kiss. With Sarah and Ben now both out of the house, we should be seeing some interesting times ahead for Teeny.

Sarah's story with the Blackfoot baby is taking a more pressing turn. She's more than babysitting and helping out. She's filling the need left by her own miscarriage last year. Her new husband is standing by her, and she tells Bill and Barb that she'll return the baby to his mother, but it can't be that easy, and this whole situation is another mine field for Bill's campaign.

Joey, however, shows up at Bill's announcement rally. He's here to help.  But the reason behind this change of heart - J.J.'s blackmailing Joey to support J.J. for new prophet (which takes Bill, whom Joey wanted, out of the running for prophet) - is not so good, and promises some rough sailing ahead.

It's rough and tumble, no holds barred, for everyone on this great season of Big Love.   Well, maybe Nikki's doing a little better - and it's great to see her undercover (again) in Bill's opponent's campaign.   But even Nikki has some problems looming, with her mother now betrothed to J.J.!

5-min podcast review of Big Love

See also Big Love Season 4 Start with Casino, Psycho, and Birds ... Big Love 4.2: Politician or Prophet?  ... Big 4.3: Super-Compressed, Super-Fine

See also: Big Love, Season 3 ... 1. a 4th ... 2. Two Issues Resolved, Two Not So Much ... 6. Exquisite, Perfectly Played ... Big Love Season 3 Finale: Bigger Love ...

And from Season 2: 2: Oh, Happy Day, and Not ... 3: Sons and Mothers ... 4. Help Me, Rhonda ... 5. The Waitress and More... 6. Just Lust ... 7. Margene's Mama ... 8. Polygamy and Misgivings ... 9. Swing Vote Margene ... 10. Polygamy as the Ultimate Cool/Bad ... 11. Family in Crisis ... Big Love Season 2 Concludes

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