22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Big Love Season 3 Finale: Bigger Love

An at turns breathtaking, heart rending, heart warming, and mostly highly satisfying finale to an outstanding Season 3 of Big Love last night on HBO.

The two things I liked most -

1. Sarah's engaged to her love, and Bill (and more or less Barb) will not stand in the way. Sarah's always been one of my favorite characters on show. She's been a through a pregnancy and losing the baby this season, and I'm glad to see her putting her life together. I assume we'll be seeing a little less of her in subsequent seasons, if she and her husband don't live with Bill and company, that's ok. Good job Amanda Seyfried!

2. Nikki reconnected with her 14-year old daughter, and both will be living with the Henricksons. This is an important development. Bill said last week that something deep inside Nikki was "broken," which he didn't know how to fix. It may well be that what was most undermining Nikki's life and sanity was her guilt about abandoning her daughter. Their reunion, and Bill's taking them both in, should make a big difference. Fine performance Chloë Sevigny!

Otherwise, Roman's dead - killed by Joey. I don't mind that (though I'll miss Harry Dean Stanton). But the story skipped a bit too quickly from Roman having a gun on Bill on the road, and then Roman showing up on the compound and Bill at FBI offices ... So, how did Bill get away from Roman?

But that's a minor quibble to great finale of a great season of Big Love! Bill Paxton was great Bill H., Ginnifer Goodwin as Margene, and Jeanne Tripplehorn as Barb! I'm looking forward to Season 4 of this series, which manages to make a guy married to three women as truly much the same as the couple living next door.

5-min podcast review of Big Love finale

See also: Big Love, Season 3 ... 1. a 4th ... 2. Two Issues Resolved, Two Not So Much ... 6. Exquisite, Perfectly Played

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dawn said...

I loved this season you didn't recap enough of it. I have a few questions for you. Bill and Barb have the younger daughter yet she wasn't in the last scene . Do you think an oversite. I also want to know if Albe died too or just injured. I think this season was the best Love the Margene stuff with QVC. I liked last weeks episode too and found the Temple scene compelling

Paul Levinson said...

I think Alby's deinitely alive.

You're right about the redhead - she was in that great episode when the family took a trip - and maybe one or two more - but I missed her from the finale, too.

Yes, the Temple scene was compelling indeed. And I agree that this season was the best! Good to have your excellent comments here, again! :)
