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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

V Season 2 (2011) Finale: Oy!

Uh boy ... the V Season 2 finale ended about an hour ago on the East Coast.   So many changes for so many Vistors and people that I'll just list their names and what happened to them here, and that will have to serve as my review:
  • Diana - killed - by Anna, who uses her tail to apparently once and for all kill her mother. (You just never know with these visitors.)
  • Lisa - failed to kill Anna when Erica's plan puts Anna at Lisa's mercy - now sentenced to the dungeon (tailed Diana doesn't need it anymore), where she watches her double (a new daughter for Anna, outfitted with Lisa skin), make love to Tyler, for the purpose getting pregnant, and kill-
  • Tyler - yeah, faux Lisa apparently kills him ... and while we're at it-
  • Ryan is apparently killed by his daughter, too (a tough night for parents) ... meanwhile, back on the planet-
  • Kyle has gone missing
  • the FBI guys - Erica's boss and partner - turn out to be part of a secret organization fighting the Visitors for years ... the org is headed by-
  • Marc Singer!  yeah - great to see him back - but why have him play a new character, Lars, when we could have had him back as Mike Donovan?
And where does that leave us?  Ryan's daughter has blissed everyone on Earth above ground, including Jack.   Erica discovers this to her horror when she comes back up.

And we'll have to wait until next season, if there is one, for more.  I really liked a lot of V this year, even more than last year.  Wasn't wild, to say the least, about the finale.  But I'm always open for more Visitors...

See alsoV is Back and Badler ... V 2.2: Do Beings from Planets Have Souls? ... V 2.3 Meets 24 ... V 2.4 at Vatican and Mossad ... 2.5: Chess Game with Two-Edged Pieces Continues ... V 2.6: Double and Triple Agents ... V 2.7: Lisa and Diana ... V 2.8: Conversions and Reconversions   ... V Next-to-Last of Season 2

And reviews of Season 1:  V Returns to TV ... V 1.2: The Effects and The Characters ... V 1.3: Multiple Twists and Lizard Visions ... V 1.4: Good Medicine for Television ... V's Back in 1.5 ... V 1.6: Floating Witches ... V 1.7: Ryan's Story ... V 1.8: Is Lisa Becoming 5th Column? ... V 1.9: Moral Complexity and NonStop Action ... V 1.11:  Lisa's Loyalties ... V 1.12: Complex Chess and Red Cloud

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  1. I don't think "V" will return. Not good enough ratings. A shame, really.

    The problem? Not enough killing of the enemy. The aliens are a clear and present danger, and at every turn they have outwitted us so far. Viewers have not like that. So, as a result, no 3rd season. Sorry.

  2. Good analysis - my wife said last night that Erica's character is really irritating because she never gets anything right.

  3. Yeah, I am one of the few geeks I know on different web sites that have actually enjoyed the show.
