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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Boardwalk Empire 4.6: Sally and Margaret

A satisfying Boardwalk Empire 4.6 tonight, in which finally get to see Margaret and hear what she's been up to, as well as Nucky in another scene down in Florida and up against the wall with Sally.

Margaret hasn't been up to much - or, at very least, what's she's been up to hasn't been very interesting. The most memorable part of her conversation with Nucky were historically enjoyable - to us - mentions of the IRT (Interboro Rapid Transit subway line) and the Loew's King movie theater in New York City.  I still use the IRT on occasion, and visited one Loew's or another many occasions when I was a kid.  But as for Margaret, whether because they're writing her off the show, or who knows, but the substance of her conversation was nothing special at all.

In contrast, Sally in Florida is special, in an Annie Oakley or Calamity Jane sort of way.  She stylishly brandishes a shotgun, punches Nucky around, and the punches lead to Nucky doing it with her against the wall.  Good to see Nucky in such good spirits.

Not everyone, of course, is happy in this episode of Boardwalk Empire.  Eli cries about the death of Eddie, in a scene that typifies what we all feel.  There was something about Eddie which made him a unique character on the show.  He'll be hard to replace and likely won't be.  The course of life and death in television drama never did run smooth or right.

It's good, however, to see Richard back in town, especially because he's in many ways the most ethically centered person on the show.  He obviously kills when he needs to, but his loyalty and devotion to those he loves is remarkable and necessary for the series.

The best line of the show comes from Chalky about Narcisse, whom Chalky describes as a "nigger with a dictionary".   Aside for the shock value that such an epithet carries for our ears, the dictionary part is right on about Narcisse.   Boardwalk Empire may be locked into what actually happened with this real historical personage, but I'm hoping he suffers the same fate as previous villains on the show.

See also Boardwalk Empire 4.1: Sneak Preview Review ... Boardwalk Empire 4.2: Sneak Preview Review ... Boardwalk Empire 4.2: J. Edgar ...Boardwalk Empire Sneak Preview Review 4.3: Honey, Sunny ...Boardwalk Empire 4.3: Nucky, Sunshine, and Heroin ... Boardwalk Empire Sneak Preview Review 4.4: Downfalls ... Boardwalk Empire 4.4: Bullies and Betrayals ... Boardwalk Empire Sneak Preview 4.5: The Gift of Rage ... Boardwalk 4.5: Two Deaths ... Boardwalk Empire Sneak Preview 4.6: Good Lovin'

And see also Boardwalk Empire 3.1: Happy News Year 1923  ... Boardwalk Empire 3.2: Gasoline and the White Rock Girl ... Boardwalk Empire 3.3: The Showgirl and The Psycho ... Boardwalk Empire 3.5: "10 L'Chaim" ... Boardwalk Empire 3.7: Deadly Gillian ... Boardwalk Empire 3.8: Andrew Mellon ... Boardwalk Empire 3.9: Impaired Nucky

And see also Boardwalk Empire 2.1: Politics in an Age Before YouTube  ... Boardwalk Empire 2.2: The Woman Behind the Throne ... Boardwalk Empire 2.3: Frankenstein and Victrola ... Boardwalk Empire 2.4: Nearly Flagrante Delicto ... Boardwalk Empire 2.5: Richard's Story ... Boardwalk Empire 2.6: Owen and Other Bad News for Nucky ... Boardwalk Empire 2.7: Shot in the Hand  ...Boardwalk Empire 2.8: Pups with Fangs ... Boardwalk Empire 2.9: Ireland, Radio, Polio ...Boardwalk Empire 2.10: Double Shot ... Boardwalk Empire 2.11: Gillian and Jimmy  ... Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Finale: Stunner!


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