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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Black Sails 3.4: Mr. Scott's People

Black Sails introduced a vibrant new sector last night in episode 3.4, with "Maroons" - Africans who escaped their fate as slaves in America - on what otherwise would have been a paradisiacal island of salvation for Flint, Silver, and their men after the doldrums on the sea.

And as a nice twist at the end, we learn that the queen of the island is Mr. Scott's wife.   For most of the hour, I thought that talk of her husband, and their daughter's talk of her father, was either just talk about a myth not a real man, or about a real man who was far more gone than just missing.  But making him Mr. Scott literally makes this story much more real, and invests our series with all kinds of possibilities.

Scott has been a secondary but important character on Black Sails.  His allegiance has been helpful to crucial, but not always to the best people.  He was once Eleanor's trusted adviser, but events propelled him into the employ of Hornigold, who is now one of the villains in the story.

I think the writing is on the wall about what will happen now with Scott and his island family and warriors.   Clearly Flint and Silver are now badly outnumbered vis-a-vis the English.  So are Vane and Blackbeard.  And Rackham doesn't have much of a force, either.  Even with all the pirates together, the English, Hornigold, and the pirates who took the pardon would likely be superior in numbers to what our heroes could muster.

But Scott and his people on the side of the pirates could tip the balance.   Not only in numbers, but the intelligence that Scott and his wife would add.   Will be fun to see how this all shakes out in the rest of this season of Black Sails and beyond.

See also Black Sails 3.1: Restored ... Black Sails 3.2: Flint vs. Sea ... Black Sails 3.3: Gone Fishin'

And see also Black Sails 2.1: Good Combo, Back Story, New Blood ... Black Sails 2.2: A Fine Lesson in Captaining ... Black Sails 2.3: "I Angered Charles Vane" ... Black Sails 2.4: "Fire!" ... Black Sails 2.5: Twist! ... Black Sails 2.6: Weighty Alternatives, and the Medium is the Message on the High Seas ...Black Sails 2.7: The Governor's Daughter and the Gold ... Black Sails 2.9: The Unlikely Hero ... Black Sails Season 2 Finale: Satisfying Literate and Vulgar

And see also Black Sails: Literate and Raunchy Piracy ... Black Sails 1.3: John Milton and Marcus Aurelius ... Black Sails 1.4: The Masts of Wall Street ...Black Sails 1.6: Rising Up ... Black Sails 1.7: Fictions and History ... Black Sails 1.8: Money



pirates of the mind in The Plot to Save Socrates 

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