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Monday, February 15, 2016

The Good Wife 7.14: "Target on His Back"

Now that the non-continuing of The Good Wife after this season has been announced, everything we see from now on in this final season is inevitably viewed through the lens of how will this lead to the end of this superb series?

Indeed, the big storyline of episode 7.14 tonight makes no sense, other than as prelude and foundation for an ultimate ending.  Peter was beaten badly in the Iowa caucuses.   Ok.   But why should that put a "target on his back," as Ruth explains to Eli, who in turn explains that to Alicia?   Yeah, we've known all along that Peter has not been completely kosher in his politics,  but why, other than that leading up to some dramatic ending, should that now provoke an FBI investigation aimed at the jugular?

My wife, when she first heard that the show would not be continuing, thought that Peter might drop dead in the next or next-to-last episode, with the result that Alicia would be appointed his successor as governor.   I suppose that could still happen - especially given the high blood pressure that will come from this investigation.   But would Alicia be likely to appointed Peter's successor if he's under some Federal indictment?  (Not to mention that wouldn't the Associate Governor or whoever the second-in-command was be the one to step into the Governor's office?)

I'll tell you one thing I don't like about television - how sometimes you can see the external requirements of a series, having nothing to do with the internal logic of the storyline, seeping into the narrative.   This is inevitable when an actor dies - or leaves, as Josh Charles did.

I thought The Good Wife handled that pretty well.  Maybe even very well - I haven't really missed Will too much at all.   But so far, The Good Wife is not off to a very good start in handling its self-imposed cancellation.

Which is a shame.  And maybe it will wrap up with some outstanding story after all,  But the truth is I would really rather it didn't end at all - at least, not this year, on such little notice.

See also The Good Wife 7.1: Shake-Up ... The Good Wife 7.6: Hillary, Trump, and Alicia ... The Good Wife 7.10: Selfish Eli

And see also The Good Wife 6.4: Run-up to Running ... The Good Wife 6.10: Cary's Fate ... The Good Wife 6.11: Kalinda for Cary

See also I Dreamt I Called Will Gardner Last Night

And The Good Wife 5.1: Capital Punishment and Politicians' Daughters ... The Good Wife 5.5: The Villain in this Story ... The Good Wife 5.9: Reddit, Crowd Sourcing, and the First Amendment on Trial ... The Good Wife 5.11: Bowling Bowls and Bogdanovich ... The Good Wife 5.13: NSA on Television ... The Good Wife: 5.15: Stunner! ... The Good Wife 5.19: Tying Up Loose Ends ... The Good Wife Season 5 Finale: Musical Chairs


                                   the Sierra Waters trilogy

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