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Monday, April 23, 2018

Timeless 2.6: Lucy and Flynn

As has been hinted at and gradually gaining moment - ironically, after Wyatt was re-united with Jessica, ironically after he and Lucy had made love for the first time - Lucy and Flynn finally get together at the end of Timeless 2.6.  Or, at very least, Lucy comes into Flynn's room at night with a nice bottle of vodka.  Their being together of course changes everything, and it will be fun to see in the weeks ahead how this plays out.

As for the time travel, rock 'n' roll and time travel are one of my favorite couples - it's been a bedrock of several of my novels and stories - and it was good to see the team, with Flynn instead of Wyatt, and expanded to four with Connor - go back in time to save Elvis, the Beatles, and other icons of the ensuing music.  They do this by saving blues legend and progenitor Robert Johnson from Rittenhouse assassination.  (Connor is fortunately a blues aficionado, which is why he's drafted by the team.)

But as much as everyone - including me - loves the Beatles (see my frequent posts here about The Beatles) - they and music in general are not the ultimate reason Johnson needs saving.   Lucy tells us that without Elvis and The Beatles, there would be no Civil Rights movement, no end of the Vietnam War,  none of pathbreaking social developments that lit up the 1960s.  This may be a bit of a stretch - lots of other factors led to the culture of the 1960s and its liberation of much of humanity - but I'm happy to accept it as the ultimate reason for making sure Elvis and The Beatles happened (though, strictly speaking, if I were writing this episode, I'd hold out for just the incredible music of the 1950s and 60s itself as more than enough reason for saving Johnson).

All in all, Timeless is continuing with a good mix of world events that need protecting, obvious and more subtle, as well as personal stories that continue to intrigue.  And we learn in the closing moments that Jiya's latest vision shows Rufus being killed...

See you here with word about how all that turns out next week.

                    more time travel about music

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