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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Project Blue Book 1.8: 'Already Here'

"They're already here" - that's what the Corporal tells the Generals, who have brought him in to help with another strange situation in Project Blue Book 1.8.  The question, as always, is who are "they"?

Extra-terrestrials, bent on tormenting us with their presence but insistent on not being revealed?

We learn a little more later from Fairchild (played by Robert John Burke, who used to play Ed Tucker on Law & Order: SVU).  He's higher up in command than our Generals, and in regular touch with the President (who would be Eisenhower, but who knows in this science fictional universe).  Fairchild tells us that Corporal Wells was part of an earlier project that was supposed to be concluded, and Fairchild dresses down the Generals for deploying Wells.  But what was this earlier project?  Did it have to do extra-terrestrials, bent on tormenting us with their presence but insistent on not being revealed?  You know it did.   But why was it terminated?

Questions, questions.  The only thing really certain so far in Project Blue Book is that those Soviet spies - the ones living next door to the Hyneks - mean business.   Susie has disposed of nosy Donna's body.  Ok, that makes sense.  But why is she also teaching Hynek's wife how to shoot?  That's one question that likely doesn't have extra-terrestrials in its possible answer.   It's more likely that Susie is somehow hoping she can set up a situation in which Mimi mistakes Susie's brutal husband for an intruder, and shoots him dead.  Makes sense, right?

But not much else makes sense in Project Blue Blue, and I suppose that only makes sense.  After all, in a narrative that focuses on possible extra-terrestrials who have yet to introduce themselves to the world on CNN in 2019, how much sense could be made of them back in the 1950s?

But this makes for diverting television, and I'll see you here next week with my next review.

See also:  Project Blue Book 1.1: Science Fiction, Or? ... Project Blue 1.2: Calling Roy Thinnes ... Project Blue Book 1.3: Peggy Sue Gets Space Ship ... Project Blue Book 1.4: von Braun ... Project Blue Book 1.5: A Theory ... Project Blue Book 1.6:  The Team ... Project Blue Book 1.7: The Star People

here I am talking Ancient Aliens a few years ago on the History Channel

1st starship to Alpha Centauri ... Native Americans figure in here, too

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