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Sunday, May 19, 2019

Game of Thrones Finale: Democracy Almost Comes to the Seven Kingdoms

In the penultimate scene of the Game of Thrones finale, Sam proposes democracy for the Seven Kingdoms: their King or Queen should be chosen by the people.  The gathered noble men and women laugh at him.   Someone remarks, why not let dogs also choose who rules us (taking a line from Socrates, who said something about jackasses, the animals, ruling - come to think of it, Tyrion talked about a jackass in a brothel, too).   Tyrion, ever the smartest person in the group, proposes that these gathered nobility choose the ruler.  They of course like that.  And Tyrion proposes Bran, who is ratified as King by the group.

So democracy almost comes to the Seven Kingdoms.  Instead, they get a kind of plutocracy.  Probably the best that could be done, under the circumstances.   And Bran will not rule over seven kingdoms.  Sansa wants to be Queen of Winterfell.

That, I would say, is the kernel of excellence in the finale.  As for the rest, well, it had its moments.  I liked Arya sailing off to whatever is America in this fantasy world.  I like the interaction between Drogon and Jon after Jon kills Daenery (presumably Drogon didn't know that).   I also liked Drogon incinerating the throne - the pursuit of which killed its beloved mother.

As for the killing of Dany, it was inevitable.  Everything we saw last week, and tonight, before she was killed, required that.  I think a lot of discontent with last week's episode stems from fans of Daenerys who didn't want to see her behave so badly.   But she did.  (And as my wife pointed out, Daenerys promised tonight to do even more and worse.)  And, therefore, she deserved to die.

There were also parts of the finale that were downright trite.  Tyrion and the cabinet jabbering away as the last scene of Westeros was way too obvious.   It was good to see Jon reunited with his direwolf, but the walk beyond the Wall was also just as expected.   And there were scenes that were missing - such as how everyone came to know that Jon killed Dany, after Drogon carried away her body.   And who stopped Grey Worm from then killing Jon, which he surely would have done?  Presumably the council that chose Bran, but it would have been good to see that, rather than having to figure it out.

But most things were wrapped up ok in this series.  I still would've loved to see Arya's direwolf on that ship with her, though.

And see also Game of Thrones 6.1: Where Are the Dragons ... Game of Thrones 6.2: The Waking ... Game of Thrones 6.5: Origin of a Name ... Game of Thrones 6.6: The Exhortation ... Game of Thrones 6.7: Giveth and Taketh ... Game of Thrones 6.8: Strategic Advantage ... Game of Thrones 6.9: A Night for the Light ... Game of Thrones Season 6 Finale: That Library

And see also Game of Thrones 5.1: Unsetting the Table ... Game of Thrones 5.8: The Power of Frigid Death ... Game of Thrones 5.9: Dragon in Action; Sickening Scene with Stannis ... Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale: Punishment

And see also Games of Thrones Season 4 Premiere: Salient Points ... Game of Thrones 4.2: Whodunnit? ... Game of Thrones 4.3: Who Will Save Tyrion ...Game of Thrones 4.4: Glimpse of the Ultimate Battle ... Game of Thrones 4.6: Tyrion on Trial ... Game of Thrones 4.8: Beetles and Battle ...Game of Thrones 4.9: The Fight for Castle Black ... Games of Thrones Season 4 Finale: Woven Threads

And see also Game of Thrones Back in Play for Season 2 ... Game of Thrones 2.2: Cersei vs. Tyrion

And see also A Game of Thrones: My 1996 Review of the First Novel ... Game of Thrones Begins Greatly on HBO ... Game of Thrones 1.2: Prince, Wolf, Bastard, Dwarf ... Games of Thrones 1.3: Genuine Demons ... Game of Thrones 1.4: Broken Things  ... Game of Thrones 1.5: Ned Under Seige ... Game of Thrones 1.6: Molten Ever After ... Games of Thrones 1.7: Swiveling Pieces ... Game of Thrones 1.8: Star Wars of the Realms ... Game of Thrones 1.9: Is Ned Really Dead? ... Game of Thrones 1.10 Meets True Blood

And here's a Spanish article in Semana, the leading news magazine in Colombia, in which I'm quoted about explicit sex on television, including on Game of Thrones.

And see "'Game of Thrones': Why the Buzz is So Big" article in The Christian Science Monitor, 8 April 2014, with my quotes.

Also: CNN article, "How 'Game of Thrones' Is Like America," with quote from me



  1. It a sad to see people that work hard to reach a goal get killed by a dead walking like john s sad to see someone siting in a chair and doing nothing en entire season become king...oh i forgot...he sent greyjoin to die for nothing..
    So for me sasa and bron were just parasites this season...and they got everything ... because Daenerys death...Daenerys wasn t evil...she craved to be loved by a dead man like John Snow...and her acts are also snow s fault....By killing her Snow destroyed the entire movie...because he showed he s a traitor a jerk and a dead walking ...

    Just garbage...i m not even watching the last episode...i had enough garbage this season..

  2. We don't agree at all, but thank you for the comment.
