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Monday, May 13, 2013

Game of Thrones 3.7: Heroic Jaime

You don't often see the better qualities in human beings on Game of Thrones.  Last year, we saw some of this in Tyrion.  Last night in episode 3.7 we saw it in his brother Jaime.

Jaime's devotion to Brienne has been building steadily this season.  Last night we see it emerge in the most heroic of ways:  on his way to freedom back in King's Landing, Jaime suddenly turns around and heads back to save Brienne, from what would have been sure death at the claws and teeth of a bear, in an arena with Brienne courtesy of her sadistic captors.   He manages not only to save Brienne but himself, no mean task given that he's one handed.  But Jamie still has his full wits, and he uses those to best effect.

Ordinarily in television dramas, such heroic action coming from a previously soulless villain - after all, Jamie threw Bran from the tower - would be prelude to the new hero soon dying anyway for past sins.  Jaime survived the episode, but I would not be surprised if he didn't survive the season (I've only read the first novel in the saga, so I have no knowledge of what will happen).  I would not be surprised if Jaime died, but now I would be disappointed - which I guess is a good reason, dramatically, for him to die.

Meanwhile, events are heating up on the two peripheries, in the north and with the dragons.  Jon tells Ygritte that her people will be no match for the organized armies of the south.  But that's of course just history, and the clues are the winter and its power is increasing.   As for the dragons, they're bigger than ever, which is nice to see.   What I'd like to see, eventually, is a fight between those dragons and the northern ghosts.

Until then, it's good to see Rob and his wife happy and expecting a baby.   But the scene with Theon was cringe worthy.  Yah, I know we're supposed to see the brutality, but, call me old-fashioned, I'd much rather see Talisa Stark (fetchingly played by Oona Chaplin) reclining as in a Renaissance painting and tempting Robb in bed.

See also Game of Thrones Season 3 Premiere ... Game of Thrones 3.3: The Heart of Jaime Lannister ... Game of Thrones 3.6: Extraordinary Cinematography

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