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Saturday, June 18, 2022

For All Mankind 3.2: Dmail

My favorite alternate history detail in For All Mankind 3.2 on Apple TV+ yesterday is "dmail" -- that's the name in 1992 for what we call email in our world.  I guess "d" comes from digital -- digital mail, just as the "e" in ours comes from electronic mail.  I like details like that.

[Now for some bigger spoilers... ]

I had a feeling as soon Marge fired Molly and removed Ed from the Mars mission that he would wind up on what Dev was doing.  He's a great character.  An Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, or Richard Branson mega-rich titan with the cosmic visionary quality of Steve Jobs.  And he's played by Edi Gathegi, who was just iconic in StartUp.

And I like the way Ed got there.  I said in my review of last week's 3.1 that I thought Sam's death was good for the narrative, freeing up Karen to maybe get back with Ed and who knows else.  In 3.2, we learn that Ed has split with his wife (good), and Karen and Ed are indeed much closer.  But, most importantly, she pitches Ed as the leader of Dev's mission (pitch is his apt word), he takes a vote of his people in the room (his company is at least this far a democracy), and Ed is commanding the mission.

This sets up a heated rivalry between Ed (Helios) and Danielle (whom Marge has chosen to lead the first Mars mission for NASA) and who knows who the Soviets might send up there.  And to up the ante, and increase the pressure, Dev is moving up the date of the mission.

It's an easy prediction that Ed and Danielle will be on Mars at the same time, and one will likely save the other.  But that's getting ahead of the story, and I'll see you back here next week with my review of 3.3.

See also For All Mankind 3.1: The Alternate Reality Progresses

And see also For All Mankind, Season 1 and Episode 2.1: Alternate Space Race Reality ... For All Mankind 2.2: The Peanut Butter Sandwich ... For All Mankind 2.3: "Guns to the Moon" ... For All Mankind 2.4: Close to Reality ... For All Mankind 2.5: Johnny and the Wrath of Kahn ... For All Mankind 2.6: Couplings ... For All Mankind 2.7: Alternate History Surges ... For All Mankind 2.8: Really Lost in Translation ... For All Mankind 2.9: Relationships ... For All Mankind 2.10: Definitely Not the End

It's Real Life

get the paperback or Kindle here

or read the story FREE here

*** Note added 27 October 2023:  Check out my review of Jack Dann's new book, The Fiction Writer's Guide to Alternate History

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