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Sunday, July 1, 2007

iPhone Boosts Literacy

Well, Blackfriars' Marketing reports, above, that the buzz about the iPhone is diminishing just slighlty - I'd guess it's the inevitable Sunday morning coming down, but we'll see ...

Even so, Blackfriars says this Google news article level "is certainly higher than [for] any other consumer electronics launch we've tracked".

Of course it is, and you gotta love it - some portion of the buzz about iPhones is being generated - written and posted - through iPhones themselves. I've seen numerous posts saying somethinng the lines of this is the first thing I'm doing on my iPhone.

So although the iPhone's images and sounds are its most high-profile features, text is right up there too, making the iPhone another salvo for literacy.

The infrastructure - the teeming Web - was of course already there. I'm betting the iPhone will strengthen its best attributes, and lift it to new heights.

I've seen a grouse or three about all the attention the iPhone has been getting. But it's been a long time in coming, and deserves its day in the sunny blogosphere.

Yeah, I'm a fan... been so since the late 1970s...

See also: Hats off to George Hotz ... iPhone Arrives - I Predicted It in 1979 and History Lesson: iPhone Sales Will Exceed Expectations and iPhone: Not Better iPod But New Species of Media and New York Times' David Pogue Sings "I Want An iPhone" to "My Way" and Nano iPhone and the Dymaxion Principle ... Harry Potter and iPhone ...
and ... Charlie Rose interview of Walt Mossberg about iPhone...

and ... I'll be talkin' iPhone on my weekly KNX1070 Sunday interview, 7:20am Pacific time, July 8

The Plot to Save Socrates

"challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly

"a Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News

"Sierra Waters is sexy as hell" - curled up with a good book


  1. Is there a new iPhone in the Levinson family yet? :)

  2. :) Not yet - I'm too cheap ...

    Good to see your comment, emon!

  3. Yes! While it won't (yet) cure cancer (can someone port folding@home or something to be an javascript app?), having spelling correction is a good thing in a phone. It's probably the thing I miss most when using a PC too - having built in spell checking on every text input field in the OS is bound to boost literacy, though I would hope people making enough money to buy one would be reasonably literate to start with.

    Can't wait to get one.

  4. Actually, the iPhone's easy display of image will probably have lots of medical benefits...

    Good point about spell-checking, mangee...
