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Monday, April 6, 2009

24 Season 7 Hour 17: Voight Tour de Force

In tonight's Hour 17 of 24 Season 7, Jon Voight showed why he is an academy-award winning actor - as Starkwood boss Jonas Hodges, he shouts FBI bureau chief Larry Moss off Starkwood's premises (though Moss provides a good distractive play to keep Tony there), beats and throws over the railing Starkwood's Chair of the Board, and makes the President of the United States back down with quiet, tough talk, in between coolly planning every move. A tour de force of acting in an hour.

And the stuff of what Hodges says to the Chair, before he kills him, is instructive indeed. Starkwood, Hodges says, carried out every dirty mission the U.S. government asked it to undertake. When you consider that fictional Starkwood is clearly meant to call forth echoes of Blackwater in our real world, it becomes obvious, once again, that 24 is in no sense an endorser of the right-wing cabal than some zealots on the left imagine it to be. It certainly is not this year. It never was.

But back to the fiction on the screen: Jack's symptoms are getting worse. Turns out there may be some sort of stem cell treatment that could help him - but the donor has to be a close relative. Kim! Actually, I'm looking forward to seeing her again, which we certainly will, even though Jack is resisting.

Other good stuff tonight .... The President's daughter sleeps with the sleazy reporter, and outfoxes him (but I'm not sure Aaron would have allowed to her to go into the closed room, alone). Tony is great in the field. And the vice is now tightened, with Starkwood's missiles armed....

This powerful, wild Day of 24 continues...

See also: Hours 1 and 2 ... Hours 3 and 4 ... Hour 5 ... Hour 6 ... Hour 7 ... Hour 8 ... Hour 9 ... Hour 10 ... Hours 11-12 ... Hour 13 ... Hour 14 ... Hour 15 ... Hour 16

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul,
    I likes this week but am still confused from last week, would we back down when the feds are threatened. Starkwood is on US soil, maybe I don't want to know the answer to that question. Otherwise I love Tony and I hope Renee and Jack will get together soon
