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Monday, April 13, 2009

24 Season 7 Hour 18: Astonishing Surprise - Analysis

24 waited for tonight's Hour 18 to reveal the most astonishing surprise of the Season (7) ....

So astonishing, in fact, that I don't know if I believe it. But I'm not sure...

First, Hodges and his plan to launch missiles with bio weapons against American cities seems foiled. Tony blew up the Starkwood facility.

Jack's getting sicker. Kim comes to see him - and I thought that was a powerful scene. Say what you will about Kim Bauer and her role in the previous seasons of 24 - and I've said that I've been no great fan of that - but her relationship to her father is one of the bedrocks of the story of 24, and Kim and Jack played it just right tonight.

But that's not the astonishing surprise.

If you haven't seen this episode, don't read any further.

If you have - can it be that Tony is bad?

He apparently kills Larry Moss, who was trying to stop a bad guy with a canister of the weaponized prion.

Since I can't believe that Tony is bad, after all of this, I see only two possibilities:

1. Larry is not really dead. Tony just pretended to suffocate Larry - the way Jack did Renee, earlier this year. He needed to do that to get in the bad guy's good graces, so Tony could find any other bio-weapons. (The bad guy already knew Tony from his earlier work.)

2. Tony really did kill Larry, for the reason indicated above.

But I have to admit I'm not too sure about any of this. I would certainly prefer #1 rather than #2, but #2 is certainly better than #3 - Tony really is bad. Hodges did tell the President that she had no idea what greater evil she and the country would be facing ... Can Tony be a part of it?

Nah, I don't believe it...

But I can't wait to see in the weeks ahead.

6-min podcast review of 24 7.18

See also: Hours 1 and 2 ... Hours 3 and 4 ... Hour 5 ... Hour 6 ... Hour 7 ... Hour 8 ... Hour 9 ... Hour 10 ... Hours 11-12 ... Hour 13 ... Hour 14 ... Hour 15 ... Hour 16 ... Hour 17 ... Hour 19

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  1. Hi Paul,
    I must say my mouth hit the floor. I love Tony but it's not looking like he is a good guy. I don't think he wanted the US people blown up by the missles and have Starkwood take over , I'm not sure who he could be working for. We need to go back to the beginning when he was with Chloe and Buchannan. Maybe there are clues. Excellent hour.

  2. Good thought about Chloe and Buchanan, Dawn!

    I'm refusing to admit that Tony's bad...

  3. If someone Tivo'd it, perhaps the ticking sound would give an indication of what really happened.

  4. The clock was ticking ... but that's not completely conclusive...

  5. Things are not what they seem, especially in this DAY of "24". Yet, I am not sure either. Is it possible though that Tony is aware that more AND higher levels of corruption and conspiracy within the US Government exist and that's why he has gone "undercover" again?

    OTOH, I am not sure that Larry Moss is still alive. He might have been a necessary casualty.

    We have to remember in all of this that Tony "started" the day by being VERY VERY bad, so this is not out of character.

  6. Hey everyone, we must remember there is a covert roll that the Vice President and the President Daughter is playing. I believe the The President daughter and the Vice President is against the President... look at the previous series when they request help for the VP
