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Monday, April 27, 2009

24 Season 7 Hour 20: SPECTRE on a Webinar

Well, Tony continues to look and behave like an unambiguously, at last revealed bad guy in tonight's Hour 20 of 24 Season 7. He kills two FBI guys in cold blood to make his escape, kisses the red-head who gave the poison pill to Hodges last week and convinces her to sell his plan to the league of bad guys to deploy the bio-weapon right away. Even Jack is sure Tony is bad.

But, call me loyal to a fault, I still am not. Neither is Chloe - called back to the FBI to work the CTU computers that the President has ordered back online at Jack's recommendation. At least, Chloe can't quite believe that Tony is bad.

And Jack is not in the greatest mental shape. In the best scene of the evening, Jack opens up verbally on Janis, who is less than thrilled to see CTU computers pulled out of storage. Jack rages at her to stop whining, and says - twice - that President David Palmer ordered the CTU computers back into the breach. Right order, wrong President.

I also admit that I was even glad to see Tony kiss Cara Bowden (played by Amy Price-Francis of Californication) - he's been hurting every since he lost Michelle (who is now on Lost - actress Reiko Aylesworth, that is). And the coming attractions promise a huge twist - so there's still room in that twist for Tony to redeem himself. What does he really want from the new, executive ring of bad guys who meet like SPECTRE in a webinar.

Meanwhile, the dislikable daughter of the President is taking matters into her own hands about Hodges, and involving Aaron, which should be interesting....

And the clock keeps ticking...

See also: Hours 1 and 2 ... Hours 3 and 4 ... Hour 5 ... Hour 6 ... Hour 7 ... Hour 8 ... Hour 9 ... Hour 10 ... Hours 11-12 ... Hour 13 ... Hour 14 ... Hour 15 ... Hour 16 ... Hour 17 ... Hour 18 ... Hour 19

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