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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lost 6.6: Sayid the Assassin in Both Realities

Sayid tries, struggles, not to be an assassin in both LA and island parallel realities tonight in blow-torch Lost 6.6.   He fails both times, with devastating consequence for the island.

First - alternate, plane-did-not crash LA reality continues being better for our characters, but far from perfect.  Nadia lives, and Sayid holds her in his arms, but she is Sayid's brother's wife, not Sayid's.  And the brother has loan shark debts.   The brother wants Sayid to use his talent for unfriendly persuasion to get the loan sharks off his back.  Sayid says he's trying to no longer live that life, but-

Sayid's brother is almost killed by the sharks, which forces Sayid back in action.  And tips this alternate LA reality further into the teeming inexplicable intersections of our characters - which, along with this reality being better but flawed, is one of the two hallmarks of this world.  Sayid passes Jack in the hospital corridor - neither knows the other.  This coincidence is only mildly improbable - after all, Sayid's in a hospital, and Jack's a doctor.   But Sayid soon meets the head loan-shark enforcer - Martin Keamy! - who, in our original reality, was stabbed but not killed by Sayid, cruelly killed Ben's adopted daughter Alex, and was killed in turn by Ben.   In better reality LA, Sayid kills Keamy.   And just for good inexplicable coincidence good measure, finds that Jin was being held hostage (Jin, after all, was an enforcer for Sun's father's criminal operations in our original reality).

Up until this episode, I thought the LA reality stories were better than the island's.  That changed tonight, even though the LA story was excellent.

Back in original island reality, Sayid, already denounced by Dogen as being taken over by evil, is having a far more momentous struggle against his assassin ways.   He lose that struggle, too.   Twice.  And with consequences far worse than in good old alternate LA.

First, under Dogen's instruction, Sayid tries to kill faux-Locke/Nemesis.   A knife in Locke's gut has no effect - of course not, you can't kill what's already dead, or a supernatural being, take your pick.   Locke then promises Sayid he bring back Nadia - she was killed, courtesy of Jacob's visit to original LA, last year.  The price:  Sayid must deliver a message to everyone at Dogen's camp: leave or die.  A lot of people leave - including our original 815 stewardess, and the two kids in her charge.

But not Dogen.  He's killed by Sayid,  who also kills Dogen's second-in-command, in the bargain (no loss - I never liked him).

So now evil Sayid and crazed Claire are marching with faux-Locke.   Kate's walking there too, but she doesn't quite know what she's getting into, and is apparently not under Locke's influence (at least not yet).   Kate's motive at this point is likely just that she doesn't want to let Claire out of her sight.

Miles, Ben, and Sun are not under Locke's control - neither are Jack, Hurley, and Jin, on the island, but not now near Locke.

The battle lines are drawn on the island, with just 10 episodes left, and who knows how that will spill over into better but troubled LA, and vice versa...

5-min podcast review of Lost

See also  Lost Season Six Double Premiere ... Three Questions Arising from the Lost Season Six Premiere: Linkage Between Two Realities,  Dead Bodies Inhabited, Who/What Survived H-Blast? ... Lost 6.3:  Kate and Claire, Tenacious Details, and Dr. Arzt's Arse at the Airport ... Lost 6.4:  Better LA, Wilder Island, Some Partial Answers at Last ... Lost 6.5: Jack's Family and Prester John's Speculum

More Lost - see : The Richard-Locke Compass Time Travel Loop ...

and Lost Returns in 5 Dimensions and 5.3: The Loops, The Bomb ... 5.4: A Saving Skip Back in Time ... 5.5 Two Time Loops and Mind Benders ... 5.6 A Lot of Questions ... 5.7 Bentham and Ben ... 5.8 True Love Ways ... 5.9 Two Times and a Baby ... 5.10 The Impossible Cannot Happen ... 5.11 Clockwork Perfect Time Travel ... 5.12: Ben v. Charles, and Locke' Slave ... 5.13: Lost Meets Star Wars and the Sixth Sense ... The Problem with Baby Aaron and the Return of the Oceanic Six ... 5.14: Eloise, Daniel, and Obsession Trumping Paradox ... 5.15: Moral Compasses in Motion ... Lost Season 5 Finale: Jacob and Locke

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The Plot to Save Socrates

"challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly

"a Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News

"Sierra Waters is sexy as hell" - curled up with a good book


  1. From last night's episode, is it possible that Jacob and the MIB are the same person? My theory comes from the following situations:

    - When Dogan was explaining to Sayid about the machine, he made a reference out everybody having good and bad in them (Jacob "good"/MIB "bad")

    - Perhaps MIB cannot kill Jacob because they are the same person

    - Now that Jacob is dead; the MIB seems to be stuck in Locke's body when before they could transfer bodies/forms. (This could support the same-being theory that if 1/2 of him died it might affect the MIB's powers; perhaps the two of them being together is what allowed them to evolve)

    - When Dogan was talking to Sayid after Sayid had stabbed Locke in an attempt to kill him, Dogan said that Jacob had offered him a deal in which if he came to the island his son would live. He then inquired of Sayid if he had made a similar offer (which he had to bring Nadia back). But it wasn't "Jacob" who made the offer, it was Locke. In this brief exchange they didn't make a differentiation between the two characters.

    - Perhaps bodies (MIB and Jacob) we saw them in when they were on the beach could not even be theirs (when discussing the ship that was coming to the island)

    - The idea that the same thing happened a with Jacob/MIB, that is happening to the survivors of crash 815 (two realities/universes), one with Jacob as Jacob and the other with Jacob as the MIB could they have somehow they ended up together?

    I have to admit, Lost is the first show I've ever blogged about so excuse my rambled commentary. Am I way off here?

  2. Howdy people, TheLooper is back! Sorry I missed out on last week's blog about episode 6.5, but I had some adventures of my own to attend to. Namely, the birth of my daughter Abigail! She's a precious baby girl and I'm wrapped already.:)

    Now, on to last nights episode and Sarah's comments...that's a very interesting point about the possibility of them, that being Jacob and UnLocke, being the same entity. There are some philosophers and theologians that wonder the same thing about God and Satan, I know I've wondered the same thing because honestly how can a truly loving God allow so much evil to take place? Well, that's easy to do if those two beings are one in the same and everything they do is done as a test of character. Thus if one dies, they don't really die (which I believe everyone who watches this show doesn't believe for one minute Ben actually killed Jacob, as much as Jacob allowed himself to be killed or transfigured).

    The one thing I love about this show is how people will say they are lost on Lost. I really don't understand what there is to be "lost" about. It seems pretty clearly defined that the series has always been about the battle between good and evil, or at least the over all theme has been from the get go. I think we sometimes over think the simplicity of this plot development (which I know I have at times) and that causes you to get...well, lost. But the title has evolved from a group of plane crash survivors on an uncharted island trying to find a way back home, to a total mish mash of time bending entropy after Jack uttered the fateful words "We have to go BAAAAACK!", to now what the story has always been about from the moment Locke explained the battle to Walt during the backgammon game.

    There's definitely darkness and light in everyone and I think the reason this show appeals to me so much is because it's philosophy follows exactly along with my own. Your choices you make can be good or bad, but they are yours and you have to live with them. But predestination is a very real thing to me as well, and although you think your choices lead you to where you want to be, they are actually being influenced every step of the way by someone or something. And no matter what you do, you'll always end up with the same fate, even if you go back in time and try to blow something up to stop it from ever happening!:)

    Loved this episode and can't wait to see where the final 10 episodes take the story. The parallels are becoming clearer, the stories of each reality grow more and more together each week, it's only a matter of time before they both collide. And if you believe String Theory, that collision may not be good for either of them.
