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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Banshee Season 3 Finale: Subtractions and Additions

A strong Banshee Season 3 finale, which made good on its promise last week to "change everything," which it did with a series of major subtractions and additions to the continuing storyline.

Gordon's is the one death of a continuing character, all the more painful because we've recently seen the love that he and Carrie indeed shared.  He also accounted himself with considerable bravery in the assault on the compound tonight, a condition which, when it appears for the first time in a longstanding character, can often be a sign that the character will encounter a fatal resolution.

The other subtraction, much bigger but not fatal, is Job's being taken into some kind of Federal commando custody.   Although I hated to see this happen to Job, I was glad for what it will do for his character and the future plot - that is, put him in a much more important, central position to the narrative, which he eminently deserves.

Hood's taking off the sheriff's badge is another big subtraction, obviously, and long pointed at, but it segued almost seamlessly into a very profound addition, Hood and Proctor joining forces - or, Hood working in some way for Proctor.  The two have clearly had more in common than was admitted from the get-go, and what Proctor says at the end indicates he knew, or figured, on some level, that Hood wasn't really a sheriff.   The series has always been at it best when both of these power houses are fighting on the same side, and the glimmer we saw of their alliance promises some good developments and action ahead.

Whatever that may be, it will involve Job, and the scenes of a younger Hood in a cell - not really a cell - tonight.  All of that implies that Hood was something more than he seemed for a long time, including more than one of Rabbit's men spending time in prison for robbery.

Here's to Season 4!

See also Banshee 3.1: Taking Stock ... Banshee 3.2: Women in Charge ...Banshee 3.3: Burton vs. Nola ... Banshee 3.4: Burton and Rebecca ... Banshee 3.5: Almost the Alamo ...  Banshee 3.6: Perfect What-If Bookends ... Banshee 3.7: Movie with Movie ... Banshee 3.8: What Did Rebecca Find with Burton? ... Banshee 3.9: Loyalty

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