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Monday, December 11, 2017

The Walking Dead 8.8: Unkindest Bite

Well, if you haven't seen the Season 8 midseason finale of The Walking Dead, read no further.

Because .... [spoilers ahead]

We got a clue when Carl was practically taunting Negan to kill him - he wasn't just being extraordinarily brave.   And a few episodes ago, or whenever, when Carl was saving that guy in the woods, being attacked by walkers all around.

But ... the last scene was still a shocker.  Is there any way Carl can survive that bite?  Only if it's a not a bite from a walker, and that would be pulling a ridiculous rabbit out of a hat.  Or, if someone could come up with a cure - but that's not going to happen in time to save Carl, either.  I suppose Eugene might have the smarts, but he's not that kind of scientist.

The Walking Dead has delivered shockers in the past, but this was the unkindest shock of all.  Carl survived so many close encounters with death, including being shot in the forest near Maggie's father's farm.  He deserved to live.

But that's not the story of The Walking Dead.  Lots of good people deserved to live, and did not, including Carl's mother.  In order for an apocalyptic story to pack a plausible punch, it has to not only take lives, but lives that should not be taken.

I'd much rather have seen The Walking Dead take another deserving life, not Carl's, but I'll still be watching in February to see how it goes.  I wonder what would happen if Carl now bit Negan, who certainly wouldn't see that coming.

See also: The Walking Dead 8.4: The King's Not Smiling ... The Walking Dead 8.5: True Confessions

And see also:  The Walking Dead 7.1 ... The Walking Dead 7.7: Negan and the Kids

And see also: The Walking Dead 6.1: The Walking Herd ...  The Walking Dead Season 6 Finale: Who Was It?

And see also: The Walking Dead 5.1: The Redemption of Carole ... The Walking Dead 5.3: Meets Alfred Hitchcock and The Twilight Zone ... The Walking Dead 5.4: Hospital of Horror ... The Walking Dead 5.5: Anatomy of a Shattered Dream ... The Walking Dead 5.6-7: Slow ... The Walking Dead 5.8: Killing the Non-Killer ... The Walking Dead 5.9: Another Death in the Family ... The Walking Dead 5.11: The Smiling Stranger ... The Walking Dead 5.12: The Other Shoe ... The Walking Dead 5.13: The Horse and the Party ... The Walking Dead 5.15: The Bad Guy ... The Walking Dead Season 5 Finale: Morgan and Optimism

And see also The Walking Dead 4.1: The New Plague ... The Walking Dead 4.2: The Baby and the Flu ... The Walking Dead 4.3: Death in Every Corner ...The Walking Dead 4.4: Hershel, Carl, and Maggie ... The Walking Dead 4.6: The Good Governor ... The Walking Dead 4.7: The Governor's Other Foot ... The Walking Dead 4.8: Vintage Fall Finale ... The Walking Dead 4.9: A Nightmare on Walking Dead Street ... The Walking Dead 4:14: Too Far ... The Walking Dead Season 4 Finale: From the Gunfire into the Frying Pan

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