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Friday, May 26, 2023

Silo 1.5: Revelations

Well, I said last week that I thought Marnes would survive, and

[Spoilers ahead ... ]

I was wrong.  As we quickly found out at the start of Silo 1.5, just up on Apple TV+ tonight, he succumbed to shotgun we saw pointed at him last week.  And what followed was a powerhouse episode with all kinds of disconcerting touches, such as parents afraid to send their kids to school, which sounds a hell of a lot like the USA right now and our deadly contagion of guns, doesn't it.

And we get all kinds of revelations, among the biggest that Trumbull is likely/definitely the killer of the Mayor and Marnes. He almost kills Juliet, as she's hanging over the side, fighting for her life, which she likely would have lost had those two good Samaritan runners not come and saved her.  I was thinking, as she was struggling, that she's too important a character to die, but then again, the Mayor and Marnes and Holston were too important, too, and that didn't save them.

I had a feeling Sims was going to kill Trumbull, as Sims was remarking how much he liked the quiet of the dead of night, with no one around.  Right, no one around to see him throw Trumbull over the railing.  As I think I said before, Sims strikes me as the most villainous character so far in this story.  I'd say he killed Trumbull because he didn't want Trumbull to tell anyone that he'd killed all these major characters on Sims' orders.

Silo 1.5 also comes packed with all kinds of scientific and tech revelations about what's going on in this hole.  We find out two tonight: that the Pact forbids any automatic ways of getting up and down -- no elevators or escalators.  And the even more significant thing -- more significant to my scholarly work about media -- that the Pact forbids any magnification devices.  Presumably to keep the denizens from reading any fine print and seeing who knows what else.

As I said, a powerful episode, capped off with a discovery of stars.

See also Silo 1.1-1.2: A Unique Story, Inside and Out ... Silo 1.3: Like Chernobyl, Repaired ... 1.4: Truth, Not Quite

1 comment:

  1. Five episodes in and at least four of the most interesting characters introduced have bought it, although that's counting those who only died on a video screen to our knowledge. Such a great mood to this show. Stays steady throughout. Lots of slow burn with some true heart pounders now and then. Loving it.

    The cafe astronomer seemed a little odd. 200 some years and nobody's gotten bored enough to notice the stars move in a pattern? At this rate it will take a millennia to discover planets.
