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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

La Brea 1.8: Clearer Visions

Well, we learned some crucially enlightening things in La Brea 1.8 tonight, and they were a pleasure for my time-traveling eyes to behold.

[Spoilers follow]

The big reveal is Isaiah, the blond boy who has been spying on our 2021 friends back in prehistoric La Brea, circa 10, 000 BC, is none other than Gavin, who in our present has been having all-too-accurate visions of that past.  The reason those visions are accurate is they are memories of what Isaiah actually saw -- before he took that time sink in reverse (what can we call that -- a time fountain?) and wound up as a boy in the 1980s, whose name at some point changed to Gavin.

This a nice bit of time travel twistery, and it will be fun to see how it all plays out.

Rebecca, seriously wounded in the past, of course tells Eve that she has to save Isaiah, wrest him from the dangerous control of that old guy who stabbed Rebecca to get control of Isaiah, presumably to keep the boy from taking that sink hole fountain back up to our much more recent past in the 1980s.  Why he wants to do that is not yet clear.  Applying the metaphysics of time travel, we could say, no problem, of course he can't succeed, Isaiah who becomes Gavin is in our present right now, right?

But the makers of La Brea could choose to ignore those metaphysics, and have Isaiah kept in the prehistoric past anyway. Though I doubt that will happen, it could lead to a daring move in which what we've seen in the past eight episodes didn't happen -- as Rebecca warns Eve, she has no children with Gavin, because he never made it to our present, etc.  This, then, could be the beginning of a whole new narrative we see in a whole new season, which we'll see next year (La Brea, by the way, has just been renewed -- good!)

But, as I say, that's unlikely to happen, and I'll settle for seeing what happens to Gavin and Eve, separated now by 12, 000 years.

See also La Brea 1.1: Pros and Cons of Falling Into the Past ... La Brea 1.2: Deepening Horizons ... La Brea 1.3: Descending Into the Maelstrom ... La Brea 1.4: Expanding Horizons ... La Brea 1.5: The Letter and the Resemblance ... La Brea 1.6: Cross-Temporal Communication ... La Brea 1.7: Time Sinkholes Not Only in Different Places but from Different Times


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