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Friday, December 22, 2023

Slow Horses 3.5: Winners and Losers, Part 1

[Spoilers ahead ....]

Well, I was right that if any one of the four inside the Park would be killed in the savage attack launched by Tearney, it would be Ben Dunn.  And indeed he was, at the very end of the great, action-packed (as they say) episode 3.5 of Slow Horses on Apple TV+.  He was the brother of the woman killed in the first episode of this season, so his death completes the elimination of the Dunns.  I'm tempted to say the Dunns are done, and apparently I just did.

This episode ends on a cliffhanger, with the question of who among our heros or anti-heroes will be gunned down or otherwise killed next week.   Before I offer my opinions, I'm happy to say that I think the chances of the three survivors surviving are a lot better than they were at the end of last week's episode.

First and foremost, the bloodlust of narrative-dictates in television drama has been satisfied with the death of Dunn.  Had every one of the four survived, that would have strained the credibility of the story on our screen.

Second, and less important, there are reinforcements either already in play or moving into play.  Marcus and Shirley are in the inside, and neither one is a slouch.  Lamb and Catherine are on their way, and certainly neither of them are slouches, either.  Even Ho is on his way, and well ... he's better than nothing.  Maybe a lot better.  I'm not sure how he is with guns, but he's smart, for sure.

So who will be alive at the of the season four final next week?  I'm thinking everyone of our team, inside and out.   And Donovan, too.   And if someone winds up dead?   I'm thinking that will most likely be Duffy, and an outside chance Tearney (by Taverner).  It's a fate that both of them eminently deserve.

See also Slow Horses 3.1-3.2: Beatles Level ... 3.3: The Meaningful Difference Between "The" and "A" in the UK ... 3.4: "Clear the Board"

And see also Slow Horses 2.1-2.2: Do Horses Eat Ramen? ... 2.3: Faster Than You Think ... 2.4-2.5: Lamb Firing On All Cylinders ... Slow Horses 2.6: Heralds of Humiliation

And see also Slow Horses 1.1-2: Fast-Moving Spy Thriller ... Slow Horses 1.3: The Fine Art of Bumbling ... Slow Horses 1.4: Fine New Song by Mick Jagger ... Slow Horses 1.5: Did You Hear the One About the ... Slow Horses 1.6: The Scorecard


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