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Monday, November 8, 2021

Curb Your Enthusiasm 11.3: Highs of Lows

Lots to enjoy in Curb Your Enthusiasm 1.3 tonight.   Here are some of my favorites:  

(I'm not going to warn you about "Spoilers" -- you can't have spoilers in a review of a comedy, right?  I mean, even if you did, the so-called spoiler would be funny, right, so people wouldn't get too upset.)

But back to my favorites:

1. Cheryl had one of her best evenings on Curb in years.  Her interaction with that atrocious young actress was hilarious, capped off by the fun of seeing Cheryl and Ted Danson fall down (hey, slapstick has its place).

2. Speaking of Cheryl, she also played a role in Larry and his problem in closing doors.  That was the start of an excellent routine -- once before Cheryl, then Cheryl complains, then Larry is super careful when he closes Cheryl's door -- that I'd like to see more of.

3.  As I mentioned last week, Leon's tap water, and the linguistic origin of this name, is a real winner.  I predict he'll make a lot of money from this.

4. I actually thought the mini-bar --which Larry and/or the producers liked so much, they named this episode after that -- wasn't the funniest.   Same for the hot-dog eating contest.

Obviously, that fourth enumerated item (actually, items) was not among my favorites in this episode.  But I ran out of good examples.

See you next week.

See also Curb Your Enthusiasm 11.1: Not Quite Tsuris ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 11.2: Twist on Twist

See also:  Curb Your Enthusiasm 10.1: Reunited! ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 10.3: Garbage Cans and Apples ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 10.8: Meets Mad Men ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 10.9: Science Fiction ... Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 10 Finale: Unjust Desserts

See alsoCurb Your Enthusiasm 9.1: Hilarious! ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.2: Wife Swapping ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.3: Benefits ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.4: "Hold You in his Armchair" ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.5: Schmata At Large ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.8: The Unexpected Advocate ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.9: Salmon Discretion ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.10: Outfit Tracker

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