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Monday, November 29, 2021

Curb Your Enthusiasm 11.6: The Man on the Roof

Lots of funny parts in Curb Your Enthusiasm 11.6 last night, but, some reason, my favorite was the guy on Larry's roof.  Maybe it was because I had a guy on my roof, too, in the not too distant past, before our never-ending age of COVID.   Though, come to think of it, he was up in one of our trees.

But the point is: he was a gardener not a tree specialist, and we needed a dangling big branch pretty high up to be cut down in a hurry, and all the tree specialists we knew were booked for weeks.  So our gardener climbed up there, with all kinds of ropes, and my wife and I worried about the worst.  Fortunately, he came down ok, but the branch he sawed off came this close to taking out one of our windows, because the rope layout wasn't that good.  Next time we'll wait for a tree guy.

Larry's house is often the funniest place on the show.  Leon's always there, talking about what he likes to tap, which has become de rigueur on Curb, and I'm fine with that.  But Larry's entitled to his grievances and idiosyncrasies if they're in his own home, right?

The other best part of the show was Jeff standing up to Larry about charging his phone in the restaurant.  It's rare that Jeff does this, which makes it good to see, though in this case, I'd say Larry is 100% right.  I mean, his phone was just about out of power, so Jeff could've at least given Larry the charge for ten minutes.

One story which I didn't agree with Larry about was the chiropractor's underpants (hey, that could've been a good title for this review).  What was Larry doing looking at that so long?  I would've turned my attention to my phone ... though, come to think of it, Larry's phone might have still been uncharged at that point, I don't recall.  But even putting the phone aside, Larry should have just looked out of a window.

See you here next week.

See also Curb Your Enthusiasm 11.1: Not Quite Tsuris ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 11.2: Twist on Twist ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 11.3: Highs and Lows ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 11.4-5: How Much of a Shirt?

See also:  Curb Your Enthusiasm 10.1: Reunited! ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 10.3: Garbage Cans and Apples ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 10.8: Meets Mad Men ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 10.9: Science Fiction ... Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 10 Finale: Unjust Desserts

See alsoCurb Your Enthusiasm 9.1: Hilarious! ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.2: Wife Swapping ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.3: Benefits ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.4: "Hold You in his Armchair" ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.5: Schmata At Large ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.8: The Unexpected Advocate ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.9: Salmon Discretion ... Curb Your Enthusiasm 9.10: Outfit Tracker

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