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Friday, February 24, 2023

Your Honor 2.7: Satisfying and Powerful, Almost a Finale

Your Honor 2.7 was so good, so satisfying, so complete, it almost could have been a finale.  But I'm glad it wasn't, because I want to see more.

[Spoilers ahead ... ]

Probably the single biggest shocker is that Mayor Charlie is such a bad guy.  He was working with the dirty cops, and had them kill Robin because her investigation was getting too close. Or maybe did nothing when they killed her, because he had been working with then, which is almost as bad.  His good friend's wife.  Hard to believe, but New Orleans is not only a dirty city with dirty cops but a crooked Mayor.  Maybe not so hard to believe.  New York City, where I live and work, had one in the late 1990s.  I don't know if he was crooked then -- he certainly supported cops who attacked innocent people -- and then he went on to help inspire an attack on the US Capitol in 2021.

But I don't want to get too distracted in this review by real life, which I guess can often be worse than fiction.  Life is pretty bad for Michael Desiato, who lost his wife and then his son.  We see him crying at the end of this episode, and he has ever reason to cry.  I'm glad he has a grandson and a de facto daughter-in-law to comfort him.

Other important things happened in 2.7.  Somehow Eugene wasn't killed by that dirty cop's shot.  And he manages to survive in the hospital.  And Big Mama's people are finally beginning to realize that they're not going to have lives that are anyplace close to safe and secure, working under her.

What remains to be seen is how the Baxters play out in all of this.  Will they give up their attempt to kill Eugene?  If they find out that the Mayor was at least indirectly responsible for their son's death, will they let that pass?  I doubt it.  And I'm very much looking forward to the next three episodes.

See also Your Honor 2.1: Scorching ... 2.2-2.3: Who Knows What? ... 2.4-2.5: The Mayor and More ... 2.6: Pent-Up Angers

And see also Your Honor 1.1: Taut Set-Up ... Your Honor 1.2: "Today Is Yesterday" ... Your Honor 1.3: The Weak Link ... Your Honor 1.4: The Dinner ... Your Honor 1.5: The Vice Tightens ... Your Honor 1.6: Exquisite Chess Game ...Your Honor 1.7: Cranston and Stuhlbarg Approaching Pacino and De Niro ... Your Honor 1.8: Nothing More Important ... Your Honor 1.9: Screeching Up to the Last Stop Before Next Week's Finale ... Your Honor 1.10: Final Irony

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