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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Ray Donovan 7.2: Good Luck

Showtime was good enough to put up Ray Donovan 7.2 ahead of time On Demand, so I figured, why not see it and review it, which I did, but of course there'll be spoilers below.

It was no surprise that Mickey survived the explosion, because we saw the back of his head, still attached to the back of his body, standing and alive, in the coming attractions last week.  And, as far as I know, the four-leaf clover which Mickey put in his wallet and then saw all over in all kinds of signs last week means only good luck not bad luck, right?  And then there's the fact that we all would have known had Jon Voight been leaving the show, which I'm very glad he is not.

But it was still great to see the various scenes of the brothers finding out about Mickey's death and grieving.  The final scene of that, in the house, with Ray turning from laughter and jokes to tears and everyone raising a glass to Mickey was one of the most memorable of the series.  Mickey's apparent death was well worth it, just for that.

He also can now really lead a charmed life.  As a dead man, no one will be looking for him.  Any number of crimes committed before his presumed death can be pinned on him, with no adverse effects to him or the rest of the Donovan family.  That's good luck indeed.

As for other characters, it was great seeing Bunch being the hero in the drugstore.  Lena was in typically good shape, too, and I'm hoping she delays her plans to return to LA, indefinitely.  Terry's path is one we've seen before, but Mickey's survival shows the vision Terry had was just that, an imaginary vision, which is good to know, too.  The Bridget story is getting more interesting, too, especially with the flirtation she's having with that guy in the recording studio.  Looks like we're in for an excellent season of Ray Donovan this year.

See also Ray Donovan 7.1: Getting Ahead of the Game

See also Ray Donovan 6.1: The New Friend ... Ray Donovan 6.2: Father and Sons ... Ray Donovan 6.4: Politics in the Ray Style ... Ray Donovan 6.6: The Mayor Strikes Back ... Ray Donovan 6.7: Switching Sides ... Ray Donovan 6.8: Down ... Ray Donovan 6.9: Violence and Storyline ... Ray Donovan 6.10: Working Together ... Ray Donovan 6.11: Settled Scores and Open Questions ... Ray Donovan Season 6 Finale: Snowfall and Mick

See also Ray Donovan 5.1: Big Change  ... Ray Donovan 5.4: How To Sell A Script ... Ray Donovan 5.7: Reckonings ... Ray Donovan 5.8: Paging John Stuart Mill ... Ray Donovan 5.9: Congas ... Ray Donovan 5.10: Bunchy's Money ... Ray Donovan 5.11: I'm With Mickey ... Ray Donovan 5.12: New York

See also Ray Donovan 4.1: Good to Be Back ... Ray Donovan 4.2: Settling In ... Ray Donovan 4.4: Bob Seger ... Ray Donovan 4.7: Easybeats ... Ray Donovan 4.9: The Ultimate Fix ... Ray Donovan Season 4 Finale: Roses

And see also Ray Donovan 3.1: New, Cloudy Ray ... Ray Donovan 3.2: Beat-downs ... Ray Donovan 3.7: Excommunication!

And see also Ray Donovan 2.1: Back in Business ... Ray Donovan 2.4: The Bad Guy ... Ray Donovan 2.5: Wool Over Eyes ... Ray Donovan 2.7: The Party from Hell ... Ray Donovan 2.10: Scorching ... Ray Donovan 2.11: Out of Control ... Ray Donovan Season 2 Finale: Most Happy Ending

And see also Ray Donovan Debuts with Originality and Flair ... Ray Donovan 1.2: His Assistants and his Family ... Ray Donovan 1.3: Mickey ... Ray Donovan 1.7 and Whitey Bulger ... Ray Donovan 1.8: Poetry and Death ... Ray Donovan Season 1 Finale: The Beginning of Redemption


It started in the hot summer of 1960, when Marilyn Monroe walked off the set of The Misfits and began to hear a haunting song in her head, "Goodbye Norma Jean" ...


  1. You can view the episodes early every week on the showtime anytime app FYI. Sometimes they get them up early on demand as well but they have always been there on the app. Stars as well does this So you will be able to watch outlander early. Unfortunately HBO does not do this.
