22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Ray Donovan 5.4: How to Sell a Script

My favorite part of tonight's Ray Donovan 5.4 was the Mickey story, and how he goes about getting his Clover script into business.  It's something every writer who's not already a successful screen writer can relate to.

First, Mickey can't get to first or any base with his script.  Who knows how good it is - actually, from the little part he read to himself and us in the car, it had potential (though that may be just be a commentary on my taste or lack of).  But the point is that unless you have someone attached to it - someone usually being an actor with some heft - you won't get anywhere if you aren't already somewhere in Hollywood.

Fortune smiles on Mickey when he comes upon a successful actor in trouble - not in movie-making but in real life, as in accidentally cutting off the head of his samurai master teacher.  Not to worry, Mick knows what to do.  Cut up the body, put the parts in buckets of concrete, and throw them all in the ocean.  (Actually, I would have thrown them in different places, miles or whatever apart in the water, but I know even less about disposing dead bodies than I do about selling screenplays.)  (If you must know, I've so far had a total of one story made into a short movie - but that was not by anyone famous in Hollywood, though the movie is on Amazon Prime for free now - see end of this review.)

But back to Mick, after disposing of the late sensei, he breaks the news to the actor aka accidental killer - Mick's price for the body disposal is Jay (the actor) has to get behind Mick's script. This couldn't have come at a better time for Mick, having just been rejected along with his script by some high fallutin' agency.

(Hey, you know what?  I'd pay money to see Mick's movie.  Maybe not, I'll wait for it on Amazon Prime.)

But back to Ray - it's sad business, Abby being gone, which is why I'll end this here on happy note about Mick now having a fighting chance of breaking through.

FREE on Amazon Prime (see, I wasn't kidding)

Available on Prime

See Ray Donovan 5.1: Big Change

See also Ray Donovan 4.1: Good to Be Back ... Ray Donovan 4.2: Settling In ... Ray Donovan 4.4: Bob Seger ... Ray Donovan 4.7: Easybeats ... Ray Donovan 4.9: The Ultimate Fix ... Ray Donovan Season 4 Finale: Roses

And see also Ray Donovan 3.1: New, Cloudy Ray ... Ray Donovan 3.2: Beat-downs ... Ray Donovan 3.7: Excommunication!

And see also Ray Donovan 2.1: Back in Business ... Ray Donovan 2.4: The Bad Guy ... Ray Donovan 2.5: Wool Over Eyes ... Ray Donovan 2.7: The Party from Hell ... Ray Donovan 2.10: Scorching ... Ray Donovan 2.11: Out of Control ... Ray Donovan Season 2 Finale: Most Happy Ending

And see also Ray Donovan Debuts with Originality and Flair ... Ray Donovan 1.2: His Assistants and his Family ... Ray Donovan 1.3: Mickey ... Ray Donovan 1.7 and Whitey Bulger ... Ray Donovan 1.8: Poetry and Death ... Ray Donovan Season 1 Finale: The Beginning of Redemption

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