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Monday, December 9, 2019

Ray Donovan 7.4: Claudette and Bridget

I thought Claudette was the most important character in tonight's Ray Donovan 7.4.

Why do I say that?  Well, Mickey manages not to go the Maldives but to someplace much closer - Long Island? - and, with Sandy, manages to set in motion yet another scheme to make a lot of money.  That's real resilience, right?  And we'll likely never know if that plan would have come to fruition because Claudette, wanting to protect Daryll, calls the cops on Mickey!  He could've finally made it.  The cops think he's dead.  And Claudette tells them he isn't.  So much for true love!

But I still have some hope for Ray.  It was good to see him at the end with Molly Sullivan.  That relationship has a lot of promise, given that Ray's sister babysat for Molly, so she brings into play the love that Ray has for his late sister.  I'll be very unhappy if the Mayor or some other enemy of Ray manages to kill her.

As for the rest, as I said last week, I'm tired of seeing Terry go through all this suffering.  I liked him much better when his Parkinson's was under control.  And likewise, Bunch.  Wouldn't it be great to have a season when both of them, in their own inimitable ways, were in better shape?

But Bridget (very well acted this year by Kerris Dorsey) is having a very good season, so far.  Tonight, in effect, she's beginning to take over for Lena.  Which makes me wonder: is this coming about because Katherine Moennig was leaving the show, or did Katherine Moennig exit the show because someone decided to give Bridget a more decisive role in the action?   I mean, she could've continued on Ray Donovan and been on The L-Word Generation Q at the same time, right?

Bridget may make a better character, come to think of it, since she has a mind of her own, and her father can't order her around the way he did Lena, though Lena from time to time refused an order, too.

See also Ray Donovan 7.1: Getting Ahead of the Game ... Ray Donovan 7.2: Good Luck ... Ray Donovan 7.3: "The Air that I Breathe"

See also Ray Donovan 6.1: The New Friend ... Ray Donovan 6.2: Father and Sons ... Ray Donovan 6.4: Politics in the Ray Style ... Ray Donovan 6.6: The Mayor Strikes Back ... Ray Donovan 6.7: Switching Sides ... Ray Donovan 6.8: Down ... Ray Donovan 6.9: Violence and Storyline ... Ray Donovan 6.10: Working Together ... Ray Donovan 6.11: Settled Scores and Open Questions ... Ray Donovan Season 6 Finale: Snowfall and Mick

See also Ray Donovan 5.1: Big Change  ... Ray Donovan 5.4: How To Sell A Script ... Ray Donovan 5.7: Reckonings ... Ray Donovan 5.8: Paging John Stuart Mill ... Ray Donovan 5.9: Congas ... Ray Donovan 5.10: Bunchy's Money ... Ray Donovan 5.11: I'm With Mickey ... Ray Donovan 5.12: New York

See also Ray Donovan 4.1: Good to Be Back ... Ray Donovan 4.2: Settling In ... Ray Donovan 4.4: Bob Seger ... Ray Donovan 4.7: Easybeats ... Ray Donovan 4.9: The Ultimate Fix ... Ray Donovan Season 4 Finale: Roses

And see also Ray Donovan 3.1: New, Cloudy Ray ... Ray Donovan 3.2: Beat-downs ... Ray Donovan 3.7: Excommunication!

And see also Ray Donovan 2.1: Back in Business ... Ray Donovan 2.4: The Bad Guy ... Ray Donovan 2.5: Wool Over Eyes ... Ray Donovan 2.7: The Party from Hell ... Ray Donovan 2.10: Scorching ... Ray Donovan 2.11: Out of Control ... Ray Donovan Season 2 Finale: Most Happy Ending

And see also Ray Donovan Debuts with Originality and Flair ... Ray Donovan 1.2: His Assistants and his Family ... Ray Donovan 1.3: Mickey ... Ray Donovan 1.7 and Whitey Bulger ... Ray Donovan 1.8: Poetry and Death ... Ray Donovan Season 1 Finale: The Beginning of Redemption


It started in the hot summer of 1960, when Marilyn Monroe walked off the set of The Misfits and began to hear a haunting song in her head, "Goodbye Norma Jean" ...

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