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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Ray Donovan Season 7 Finale: Linda to Elvis

And an emotional powerhouse to a brilliant season to end this seventh season of Ray Donovan tonight, pretty much sandwiched between Linda Ronstadt singing Desperado at the beginning and Elvis singing You'll Never Walk Alone at the end, what more could you ask for?

Several points that especially struck me -

  • Daryll more than Declan was responsible for Smitty getting shot to death in that shoot-out.  Although it was Declan's bullet, Daryll was the one who started shooting.
  • I'm of course glad that Terry didn't jump off the Empire State Building.  Did he go up to observatory knowing that he couldn't jump off, or did he discover that after he got up there?  I'm hoping it's the first - which would mean that Terry's conversation with Dr. Amiot (an absolutely perfect scene) had some impact on Terry.
  • I'm not entirely convinced that Mickey would've walked away, leaving Smitty there on the ground.  All season, we have seen Mickey becoming a little bit more of a semi-decent mentch, especially after his resurrection.  So, I just don't know if that was fully motivated.
  • I'm guessing that Ray and Molly are finished now, but that's too bad.  They were a good couple.
  • No resolution of the Mayor vs. Ray, but that's ok, because it gives at least one major storyline for the next season.  (My wife points out that the judge surviving puts the Mayor in hot water, but we didn't see how that played out.)
But this season proves that, all in all, New York City has been very good indeed for Ray Donovan the series.  I've never been more disappointed that a season ended.

 See also Ray Donovan 7.1: Getting Ahead of the Game ... Ray Donovan 7.2: Good Luck ... Ray Donovan 7.3: "The Air that I Breathe" ... Ray Donovan 7.4: Claudette and Bridget ... Ray Donovan 7.5: Bing! ... Ray Donovan 7.6: Phone Booths and Cellphones ,,, Ray Donovan 7.7: Back Story ... Ray Donovan 7.8: The Wife ... Ray Donovan 7.9: Pulling for Life

See also Ray Donovan 6.1: The New Friend ... Ray Donovan 6.2: Father and Sons ... Ray Donovan 6.4: Politics in the Ray Style ... Ray Donovan 6.6: The Mayor Strikes Back ... Ray Donovan 6.7: Switching Sides ... Ray Donovan 6.8: Down ... Ray Donovan 6.9: Violence and Storyline ... Ray Donovan 6.10: Working Together ... Ray Donovan 6.11: Settled Scores and Open Questions ... Ray Donovan Season 6 Finale: Snowfall and Mick

See also Ray Donovan 5.1: Big Change  ... Ray Donovan 5.4: How To Sell A Script ... Ray Donovan 5.7: Reckonings ... Ray Donovan 5.8: Paging John Stuart Mill ... Ray Donovan 5.9: Congas ... Ray Donovan 5.10: Bunchy's Money ... Ray Donovan 5.11: I'm With Mickey ... Ray Donovan 5.12: New York

See also Ray Donovan 4.1: Good to Be Back ... Ray Donovan 4.2: Settling In ... Ray Donovan 4.4: Bob Seger ... Ray Donovan 4.7: Easybeats ... Ray Donovan 4.9: The Ultimate Fix ... Ray Donovan Season 4 Finale: Roses

And see also Ray Donovan 3.1: New, Cloudy Ray ... Ray Donovan 3.2: Beat-downs ... Ray Donovan 3.7: Excommunication!

And see also Ray Donovan 2.1: Back in Business ... Ray Donovan 2.4: The Bad Guy ... Ray Donovan 2.5: Wool Over Eyes ... Ray Donovan 2.7: The Party from Hell ... Ray Donovan 2.10: Scorching ... Ray Donovan 2.11: Out of Control ... Ray Donovan Season 2 Finale: Most Happy Ending

And see also Ray Donovan Debuts with Originality and Flair ... Ray Donovan 1.2: His Assistants and his Family ... Ray Donovan 1.3: Mickey ... Ray Donovan 1.7 and Whitey Bulger ... Ray Donovan 1.8: Poetry and Death ... Ray Donovan Season 1 Finale: The Beginning of Redemption

It started in the hot summer of 1960, when Marilyn Monroe walked off the set of The Misfits and began to hear a haunting song in her head, "Goodbye Norma Jean" ...

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