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Sunday, March 8, 2020

Outlander 5.4: Accidental Information from the Future

A really excellent Outlander 5.4 tonight, including a nice time-travel tidbit not often seen in time travel stories.

Deliberate attempts to change history, or doing something in the past that might change history, but it's important enough to do, anyway, are gambits we've often seen in time travel adventures and in Outlander. Claire's attempt to grow antibiotics and "the future be damned" is a prime example this season.

But tonight we get another twist.  Claire's notes about contraception, which Bri warned her were dangerous to write down, indeed get out to the public in the past.  An advertisement was unknowingly written on the other side of the paper with the future contraceptive information, and brought to the printer -- who found the birth control interesting enough to print up along with the advertisement.  I like accidents like that in time travel.

And tonight also featured a really powerful scene in which Jamie talks to Claire about his wish to see the two bring up a baby.  Conversations like that really get to the heart of Outlander, the relationship between this time-struck couple, and are always a pleasure to see.

On the dark side, still unaccounted for is Bonnet.  He lurks around the edges like an evil dream, but he's not a nightmare, he's real, and sooner or later Bri will have to deal with him, which means Jamie and Claire will, too, and I'm looking forward to seeing those episodes.

See also Outlander 5.1: Father of the Bride ... Outlander 5.2: Antibiotics and Time Travel ... Outlander 5.3: Misery

And see also Outlander 4.1: The American Dream ... Outlander 4.2: Slavery ...Outlander 4.3: The Silver Filling ... Outlander 4.4: Bears and Worse and the Remedy ... Outlander 4.5: Chickens Coming Home to Roost ... Outlander 4.6: Jamie's Son ... Outlander 4.7: Brianna's Journey and Daddy ... Outlander 4.8: Ecstasy and Agony ... Outlander 4.9: Reunions ... Outlander 4.10: American Stone ... Outlander 4.11: Meets Pride and Prejudice ... Outlander 4.12: "Through Time and Space" ... Outlander Season 4 Finale:  Fair Trade

And see also Outlander Season 3 Debut: A Tale of Two Times and Places ...Outlander 3.2: Whole Lot of Loving, But ... Outlander 3.3: Free and Sad ... Outlander 3.4: Love Me Tender and Dylan ... Outlander 3.5: The 1960s and the Past ... Outlander 3.6: Reunion ... Outlander 3.7: The Other Wife ... Outlander 3.8: Pirates! ... Outlander 3.9: The Seas ...Outlander 3.10: Typhoid Story ... Outlander 3.11: Claire Crusoe ...Outlander 3.12: Geillis and Benjamin Button ... Outlander 3.13: Triple Ending

And see also Outlander 2.1: Split Hour ... Outlander 2.2: The King and the Forest ... Outlander 2.3: Mother and Dr. Dog ... Outlander 2.5: The Unappreciated Paradox ... Outlander 2.6: The Duel and the Offspring ...Outlander 2.7: Further into the Future ... Outlander 2.8: The Conversation ... Outlander 2.9: Flashbacks of the Future ... Outlander 2.10: One True Prediction and Counting ... Outlander 2.11: London Not Falling ... Outlander 2.12: Stubborn Fate and Scotland On and Off Screen ... Outlander Season 2 Finale: Decades

And see also Outlander 1.1-3: The Hope of Time Travel ... Outlander 1.6:  Outstanding ... Outlander 1.7: Tender Intertemporal Polygamy ...Outlander 1.8: The Other Side ... Outlander 1.9: Spanking Good ... Outlander 1.10: A Glimmer of Paradox ... Outlander 1.11: Vaccination and Time Travel ... Outlander 1.12: Black Jack's Progeny ...Outlander 1.13: Mother's Day ... Outlander 1.14: All That Jazz ... Outlander Season 1 Finale: Let's Change History


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