22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Outlander Season 2 Finale: Decades

An outstanding Season 2 finale last night for Outlander, which in general ended altogether better in Scotland than where the season began, in Paris.   Not only that, but we got a powerful Scotland in 1968 story, too.  My wife and I honeymooned in Scotland in 1976, so it all seemed enjoyably familiar. We saw the Culloden battle ground, but found not even a trace of those time-portal stones.

But let's cut to the chase.   It's fabulous that Claire is going back in search of Jamie.  This opens up all kinds of possibilities.  Here are the parameters of this new chapter (again I haven't read any of novels):  We know that time lived in the past or future counts when the time traveler - or at least, Claire - goes through the stones.  So Claire was missing in the 1940s for exactly the amount of time she spent resisting and then falling in love with Jamie 200 years earlier.

We know that Claire has spent two decades - 1948 to 1968 - after she returned to the 20th century and Frank took her back (and great acting, by the way, by Caitriona Balfe as the older Claire).   They moved to America, which gave Jamie-and-Claire's daughter Brianna a nice American accent (though I've got to say that she sounded more than an American girl in 2016 than 1968).   But the important point  here is that Jamie will have aged two decades in the past, as well, when Claire goes back to find him.

What a love story!  He'll have assumed, in the past, that he'd never see his beloved Claire again.   He's bound to have married someone else, and they likely had children, too.  So Brianna should have at least a few half-siblings.  What will Jamie think when he sees Claire after 20 years?

Did he marry someone new or someone we know?  I'd put money on the blonde who was madly in love with him before Claire came into his life the first time.   The easiest thing for the story would be if she died and Jamie was a now a widower.  But nothing ever goes easy in Outlander, so likely Jamie is still married in the past.

I wonder if at some point Brianna will travel to the past, too?   Questions, questions ... all of which make for a great third season, which I wish were starting tomorrow.   Either that, or I wonder if there might be some stones in my area which could take me to a year ahead in time, see season 3, then right back here to review it? I'll keep you posted ...

See also Outlander 2.1: Split Hour ... Outlander 2.2: The King and the Forest ... Outlander 2.3: Mother and Dr. Dog ... Outlander 2.5: The Unappreciated Paradox ... Outlander 2.6: The Duel and the Offspring ...Outlander 2.7: Further into the Future ... Outlander 2.8: The Conversation ... Outlander 2.9: Flashbacks of the Future ... Outlander 2.10: One True Prediction and Counting ... Outlander 2.11: London Not Falling ... Outlander 2.12: Stubborn Fate and Scotland On and Off Screen

And see also Outlander 1.1-3: The Hope of Time Travel ... Outlander 1.6:  Outstanding ... Outlander 1.7: Tender Intertemporal Polygamy ...Outlander 1.8: The Other Side ... Outlander 1.9: Spanking Good ... Outlander 1.10: A Glimmer of Paradox ... Outlander 1.11: Vaccination and Time Travel ... Outlander 1.12: Black Jack's Progeny ...Outlander 1.13: Mother's Day ... Outlander 1.14: All That Jazz ... Outlander Season 1 Finale: Let's Change History

Sierra Waters series, #1, time travel


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