22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Friday, August 17, 2012

New Dallas One Season One Evaluation

The new Dallas wrapped up its first season last week.  A good time to size up its strengths and weaknesses.

Among the best parts of the new Dallas:
  • J. R. and Bobby are both excellent.  J. R. continues to be a pleasure to see, and Bobby is frankly better - a more powerful character - than he was in the original series.  I hope we see even more of J. R. in the second season.
  • The new generation - John Ross and Christopher, Elena and Rebecca - are also excellent.  John Ross and Christopher are both well motivated and unpredictable in their actions (Christopher helping John Ross in a life-and-death matter a few weeks ago, as just one example).  Elena is sassy and appealing as a woman in love with both Ewings, and the twists in Rebecca's story, including her very identity, are right up there with the highlights of the classic Dallas story.
Two story threads that were not as good:
  • Sue Ellen running for governor?   Yeah, I'd vote for her in heartbeat against Rick Perry, but I just don't believe it.   Where's Sue Ellen's previous political experience?  Meg Whitman did run for governor of California with no prior positions in government, but she was the CEO of eBay.  Sue Ellen might have been head of Ewing Oil at some time in the past, but if that's what got her the nomination in Texas, we need to see more of the connection.
  • Ann Ewing - Bobby's wife - brandishes a shot gun every time she sees herself or family in any kind of danger.  I know she's supposed to be a rough-tough Texas woman, but I'd like to see a little less of the shot gun and a little more of the guile she used to get the better of her former husband in the finale.
The best news is the new Dallas is coming back for another season.  Relaunching an iconic series is a difficult task, and  Dallas did enough of it right to make its return for another season something well worth waiting for.

Added November 23, 2012:  Saddened to learn of Larry Hagman's passing.

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