22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Homeland 5.9: Finally!

Finally, Saul and Carrie wake up on Homeland 5.9, and do some things right.

Ok, Allison's no slouch, and she manages at the last minute to maybe figure out a way out of this, at very least slow down Carrie, Saul, and now Dar, but at least Saul and Carrie had her running for a while, and came pretty close to shutting her down.

Why it took so long for Carrie to figure it out, and for Saul to realize there was something off about Alison, is inexplicable, but at least they're on the same right page now.  And the scene of them hugging was good to see, as was Carrie's telling Saul that she knew all too well what was like to be emotionally involved with someone who might be an enemy of the United States.   In a sense, the twist this season, literally, is that Saul and Carrie have switched roles.

When Saul says that he was asleep for the past ten years, and Allison woke him up, he means it.   Given this importance that she has for him, it's good that her story is proceeding.

Meanwhile, Quinn is on the mission of a lifetime, one especially frightening given what's actually happening in the world today.  But, of course, that's the whole point of Homeland, isn't it - but the producers couldn't have known how in synch with the news this season of Homeland in Europe would be.

I have no idea, medically, if the shot Quinn was given will save him from the sarin.  But in terms of the overall narrative, he's too important a character to kill at his juncture.  He's actually too important to kill at any juncture, and I'm still hoping to see him and Carrie ultimately together as a couple.

But that's still a long way off, and, before then, I'm looking forward to the next three episodes.

And see also  Homeland on Showtime ... Homeland 1.8: Surprises ... Homeland Concludes First Season: Exceptional


  different kind of espionage

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