22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Dune: Prophecy 1.5: Revelation and Seduction

There's more than one revelation in the riveting Dune:Prophecy 1.5, but I'll focus here on only one, clearly the most important in this series:

[And of course, there will be spoilers ahead ... ]

We learn about Hart's parentage.  First, let me say again how much I enjoy the ambience of this prequel series, which feels so much like I felt in the 1960s, when I first read Dune and Dune: Messiah, the original Dune novels.  My eyes on the streaming screen give me the same feeling as my eyes on those paperback books.   They feel the same and smell the same, though of course, anything my brain perceives in watching Dune: Prophecy is entirely a product of my brain processing what I'm seeing on my laptop.  I'm not touching any paper or perceiving what subtle stimuli it delivers to my nose.

But what is Hart's heritage?  Anirul -- the aptly named AI system that the Bene Gesserit illicitly utilize (also a sensory pleasure to see in action) -- delivers its conclusion: Hart comes from both Atreides and Harkonnen lines!  Now we saw the two lines mate, as it were, just a few episodes ago.  Young Tula Harkonnen and her Atreides lover, whom she kills the morning after.  It makes sense, doesn't it, that someone with the powers of Desmond has to be the product of the two most powerful lines that stretch across the Dune saga, of course making their appearance in the very first novel by Frank Herbert.

Meanwhile, apropos love making, it was good to see Empress Natalya seduce Desmond -- God knows what that will produce if she becomes pregnant -- and Sister Francesca doing the same to the Emperor himself.  I tell ya, they got the royal couple coming and going in this episode, fortunately or unfortunately not together.

My only regret about this series is that it's a mini-series with a vengeance, the first season ending next week with only its sixth episode.  But it's shot to the top of my list, and I'll be back here not only next week with a review, but whenever its story continues on HBO: Max.

See also Dune: Prophecy 1.1: Compelling Prequel ... 1.2: The Hart of The Matter ... 1.3: The Power of Voice ... 1.4: The Ambience

and Dune, Part One: Half the Movie, Twice the Power of Most Other Complete Films ... Dune, Part Two: Not As Good as Part One

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