22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Friday, April 14, 2017

SFWA Science Fiction Bundle!

Hey, SFWA (Science Fiction Writers of America, an organization with international members of which I was President way back in 1998-2001) has teamed up with StoryBundle (offering curated assortments of ebooks at incredibly low prices for the bundle since 2012, helmed by Jason Chen) to offer the first ever SFWA Science Fiction Bundle.

Here's how it works:  You pay as much or as little as you want (but no less than $5) for these six science fiction novels:

  • Saiensu Fikushon 2016 by TOBI Hirotaka, Toh Enjoe and Taiyo Fujii
  • Borrowed Tides by Paul Levinson
  • The Weave by Nancy Jane Moore
  • Truck Stop Earth by Michael A. Armstrong
  • Children of Arkadia by M. Darusha Wehm
  • Beyond the Gates by Catherine Wells
And, if you'd like the following six additional bonus books, just kick in a minimum of $15, and they'll be yours in addition to the original six:

  • Unidentified Funny Objects by Alex Shvartsman
  • Factoring Humanity by Robert J. Sawyer
  • Strangers Among Us by Susan Forest and Lucas K. Law
  • Tech Heaven by Linda Nagata
  • The Burning Eye by John F. Carr
  • The Leaves of October by Don Sakers

These books were all selected - curated, in the modern digital parlance - by current SFWA President Cat Rambo.  Hey, I know she has discerning tastes, because she included Borrowed Tides (about the first starship to Alpha Centauri).  But I can also tell you I read and much enjoyed some of the other books, as well, including my friend Rob Sawyer's Factoring Humanity (also about Alpha Centauri, a very different kind of story), and (also unlike Borrowed Tides) a 1999 Hugo Award nominee.

Here's why this story bundle makes lots of sense (and saves you lots of dollars and cents) financially. Borrowed Tides is priced at $6.99.   I may lower the price once in a blue moon for a special sale, but I don't believe in giving my books away for free, and never will.  So, for less than the price of Borrowed Tides, if the novel has ever struck your interest, you can get it through the StoryBundle along with five other novels.  And, for just an additional $10, you get six more books.

The books will be let out of the bundle - i.e., the sale ends - in just 20 days.  More about this, including a handy link to buy the bundle, over here.  Enjoy!

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