22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hey, have you noticed the two little widgets I put up on the right hand column of Infinite Regress a few days ago?


Well, just scroll down a little from the top, past the What Am I Doing lavender Twitter widget, and the little Pownce badget, and the tiny ODEO player which, if you click on it, will tell you, in my own voice, how to get autographed copies of my books, and-

Right, there they are: two widgets, the first one flashing with covers of my novels, the second with pix of the covers of my nonfiction books, and much more. Because if you click on either of these, you can find out much more about the books, about me (there's even a link to the Wikipedia entry about me), and about the operation, AdaptiveBlue, where you can get these and all kinds of other widgets, free of charge.

Now, if all you wanted to do was put my widgets on your blog or profile page, that of course would make me very happy, and when you click on either of the widgets you'll see an easy option to do that.

But you can also design your own widget - and featuring all kinds of things other than books. You can have a widget for your Netflix queue, your Last.fm music, all kinds of things.

That's it - just a great new, free way to share just about anything online with your friends, readers, and public.


Jessica Knapp said...

Awesome tip. I'm going to play around with that some.

Paul Levinson said...

You could definitely put up a widget with books relevant to the topic of your important blog. Let me know how it goes.

Jessica Knapp said...

That's exactly what I did. I filled my amazon wish list with books related to my topic, so I even had discussed on my blog ... and I used the widget feature to attach to it. It looks pretty slick :) I like it.
