22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Suggestion for New Snorg Tee from Paterson NJ Councilman "We're Tired of Seeing Your Behind"

Not your behind, necessarily, unless you wear saggy pants, below the buttocks, in Paterson, New Jersey. If you do, Councilman Anthony Davis apparently has had his eye on you - or, at least, your backside - and is sick and tired of seeing it. So much so, that he's pushing for fines for indecent exposure for anyone parading around with such low cuts.

To be clear, I don't think anyone is actually showing a complete, naked rear. It's big baggy underwear, with maybe a little of the top of the bottom line.

But to tell you the truth, I'm not really the best person to testify about this, because, the few times that someone wearing such an outfit has crossed my path, I didn't particular look. So maybe because I'm not particularly interested in seeing those behinds, and therefore haven't seen all that many for all that long, I'm not tired of seeing them.

Councilman Davis presumably was, and is, and that's his business. But not the Paterson City Council's, not any government's, which isn't and shouldn't be in the business of telling us how to dress.

I won't go so far to say this is a bonafide First Amendment issue, but, hey, clothing is a kind of communication, I talk about modes of dress when I teach nonverbal communication, so maybe I wouldn't be that much of a smart ass if I said it was...

All right, the puns are endless. "We're tired of seeing your behind" has to be one of the funniest lines that has come down the pike since O'Reilly's "We'll do it LIVE!" If there's not a Snorg tee-shirt out with "We're tired of seeing your behind" in the next week, I'd be amazed.

But Councilman Davis really needs to get back to doing the people's business ... and stop cracking down on the people's business line...


mike's spot said...

There are already laws about this in La, and Tx. its a citation offense, but what else that it does, and arguably far more importantly, its a door for a conversation with the law.

I have heard good and bad from law enforcement circles about it. Some think its a rights violation. Others say it has allowed them a legal approach for engagement with gang members who may utilize this style of dress.

Frankly I don't hang out with enough gangers to know if they all dress in baggy clothing, but I'm torn on the issue.

On one hand- I don't like seeing asscrack. I don't like to look at people who have to hold their pants on to walk down the street.

on the other, even if it is immensely helpful to police, I cringe at the precedent that is set with this. if used appropriately, I think it can be good- however I always fear abuse of a law, not best interpretations of one.

dawn said...

Hi my friend, Iwas moving my office all week and were finally back up. I think this is America and can dress as I choose. Anyhoo doesn't this councilman have some real issues to deal with. Oh I'm waiting for my soprano post

Paul Levinson said...

Hey, Dawn - good to see you here - I was wondering if you'd gone on vacation...

Believe it or not, I just moved to a new office this week, too. (Great minds change offices alike...)

I'll definitely get you your Sopranos post ... :)

Katrina said...

On one hand, people should be able to wear what they want, I wouldn't mind if there was a no ass crack law because I hate seeing guys with sagging pants. And no, it is not like I am looking for the asscrack. I can't help it if I see a young fellow walking down the street with his pants down so low that you can see the outline of his butt crack through his underwear, lol. I just wish that something can be legally done about it, but, as Levinson says, it is somewhat of a First Amendment issue (freedom of expression). It will be hard to make this into a law because the men who do this aren't really doing any physical harm to anyone, except for the eyesore caused by their horrible fashion sense, but what ru going to do, you know?
