22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Politics and New Media live blogging of House Vote on Debt Ceiling

I asked my Politics and New Media grad class at Fordham University to live blog the House of Representatives' vote on the debt ceiling bill this evening.  Here are the results, including responses to Gabriella Giffords' return to the House for this vote.

DB http://unmsum11.blogspot.com/

KOC Helloreallifenyc.blogspot.com

AMcC capriciousramblings.tumblr.com

SG  http://anonymousblog-caveatlector.blogspot.com/

MP  mariaparonich.blogspot.com

AD  Dretheprophet.tumblr.com

EP www.estherpang.com

MS   http://furanimalrights.wordpress.com

EP  http://constitutionstate.blogspot.com/

AR  http://alexromblog.blogspot.com/

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