Except - and here's why I say presumably - it's not crystal clear to me that all the evidence he has been absconding with and then destroying relate to his affair. This is because either (a) I haven't been paying sufficient attention, (b) the narrative is too murky to fully get, or (most likely) (c) both of the above.
In fact, there was precious little about time travel, or indications of its effects, in this most recent episode. We've learned nothing more about how and why Laura and Nico jumped back in time a week, other than a little more about their being destined to be together, because they keep moving closer together. This was nice to see, but didn't really add much or address the central, vexing problem of the series: what happened and why?
Here, I just want to mention, again, that this time jump is at the far end of the continuum of how people can go back in time, with no indication at all of how it's done. As such, Somewhere Between is more fantasy than science fiction, but even that requires some sort of explanation, and the series needs to get crackin' in that regard.
I'm looking forward. But since I have access to no method of time travel, via fantasy or science fiction, I'll have no choice but to wait until next week for more.
See also: Somewhere Between: Frequency meets Awake ... Somewhere Between 1.2: Fate ... Somewhere Between 1.3: The Scarf ... Somewhere Between 1.4: The Husband

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