22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Kudos to Michelle Wolf for Best Speech Ever at Tonight’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Just a brief post to record my appreciation of Michelle Wolf’s appropriately expletive-laden keynote address at the White House Correspondents Dinner tonight.

And kudos to CNN for broadcasting it unmaligned by bleeps and cuts. That in itself is a wonderful expression of freedom of speech - not to mention emergence from infantile journalism, which most media suffer from.

I have no idea what MSNBC and Fox News did, but I bet they went the cravenly bleep route, rather than airing Wolf’s words just as she spoke them.

Those words were not only funny but true - or especially funny because they were true - and that makes this speech on CNN a great day for America, sanity, and freedom.

Note added 30 April 2018: Some additional thoughts on Wolf's important address, in my quote (scroll down) in Helen Ubiñas's article, In Defense of Being Mean, in The Philadelphia Inquirer

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