22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Suspicion 1.7: The Mystery Continues

Another excellent episode -- 1.7 -- of Suspicion, which is still managing to keep us in the dark about who kidnapped Leo.  That's an impressive accomplishment, after seven episodes.

[Spoilers ahead ... ]

The big development happens at the very end of this episode, when Natalie puts a bullet in Martin, which presumably ends the chance of his series-upending reveal.  She's still understandably aggrieved about the murder of her sister, and shoots Martin because he says he didn't mean for anyone to die in that interaction that killed Natalie's sister.   Yes, totally understandably, and it serves the crucial purpose of keeping us in suspense about who the ultimate villain is in this compelling mystery.

Before then, we learn in detail that climate change -- or the failure to do anything about it -- is what the kidnappers have against Katherine.  Eric Cresswell wrote a report in the 1990s that warned about it, but Katherine had a role in suppressing it.  This is interesting, but of course still doesn't tell us who did the kidnapping.

And it continues to look like none of the suspects did it.  Next week, if IMDb's information is correct, is the eighth and final episode.  There's still no word if the series is being renewed.  It would be wild, wouldn't it, if we still don't find out who did the kidnapping next week.  There's been an increasing tendency, over the years, for television series not to keep viewers hanging on too long for the resolution of its fictional mysteries.   I'm about split, 50/50, on whether I'd like to get an answer on Apple TV+ next week.

See you back here then with my review.

See also Suspicion 1.1-2: Excellent Start, But Is It Four or Five? ... Suspicion 1.3: The Fifth ... Suspicion 1.4: Surprises and Invincibility ... Suspicion 1.5: Tara and Sean ... Suspicion 1.6: Martin, Sean, and Tara


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