22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Suspicion (Season 1) FInale: Truth

Excellent finale of Suspicion on Apple TV+.  Lots of answers to questions, with some big questions remaining.

[Spoilers ahead ... ]

Here are some of the answers:

1.  What Katharine did wrong in suppressing Eric Cresswell's report in the 1990s was not only delay the world's awareness of the dangers of climate change, but subvert the very notion of truth itself.  That's about the biggest mea culpa I've ever seen in a TV series or a movie.  She's responsible for Trumpism, including the lies about COVID, and Putin's spewing of lies about his monstrous invasion of Ukraine.  None of that is specifically said in the finale, but the undermining of truth has had those, and other, baneful results.  It's not as if that didn't happen before what Katherine did -- propaganda is as old as humanity, and other monsters like Hitler used it very effectively and disastrously against the world.  But truth has certainly taken a beaten in this current world of ours, and Katherine is responsible for that?  Wow!  I'm not sure if that's just a little too ambitious for this finale, or way over the top.

2. Of all the original group of suspects, it looks as if Aadesh was the only one totally innocent at the end of the finale, right?  That's a nice piece of work.  So, let's see: Natalie killed Martin, Sean is a hired killer (more on him in a moment), Tara (Cresswell's daughter) was responsible for the whole kidnapping plan in the first place, and Eddie was never part of the kidnapping -- he's a cop*.  All in all, a nice piece of whodunnit work.  *Which means, as ns2110theonly pointed out to me on YouTube, that Eddie's innocent too!

3. Also a very good twist is Leo being responsible -- part of the conspiracy -- for is own kidnapping.

Let's get to some questions:

Actually, they all revolve around Sean.  Who sent him that huge amount of money that he was justifiably smiling at as it came through on his phone at end?  Katherine?  Probably ... though I wouldn't rule out some other nefarious group we don't quite know about. And ... he seemed to be a pretty good shot.  Was he deliberately trying to stop Eddie but not kill Eddie when Sean shot him? If I had to bet on this, I'd say, yes.

Questions like that are grist for a second season, which I'd definitely see.  The first was a really flavorful, strong cup of tea.

See also Suspicion 1.1-2: Excellent Start, But Is It Four or Five? ... Suspicion 1.3: The Fifth ... Suspicion 1.4: Surprises and Invincibility ... Suspicion 1.5: Tara and Sean ... Suspicion 1.6: Martin, Sean, and Tara ... Suspicion 1.7: The Mystery Continues


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