As I've indicated in these reviews over the years, horror isn't my favorite form of fiction and science fiction. But Stranger Things on Netflix had something special from the beginning, and it's gotten better each season. In fact, I thought season 4 was by far the best, and was in many ways outstanding.
Except the beginning, which was slow moving and even ponderous in parts. But as the season picked up momentum, we got at least three parallel but ultimately intersecting, converging stories, and they were a sight and a story to see.
[Definitely spoilers ahead ... ]
The Soviet story, for example, was somehow exciting, very moving. and even funny at times, all propelled by Hopper surviving what happened to him at the of the third season, and Joyce going to Russia to find and ultimately rescue him. The Duffer Brothers, who made this series, know not when we to do away with an unlikely charismatic character.
The El story was also powerful, to say the least, and its connection to the arch-evil Vecna/Henry who at this point is behind all the terrible things that have befallen the good and not so good people of Hawkins was well conceived and developed. Brenner aka Poppa and Dr. Owens were also well positioned and played, and it was good for a variety of reasons to see Brenner die a noble death.
Speaking of noble deaths, though, the first place for that goes to hard-metal Eddie, a complex new character whom I would liked to see in another season. And the best almost death was Max's, who probably had her best season so far.
I guess what I liked least were the dumb, violent, high-school jocks -- we've that so many times before -- and what I would have to have seen were Steve and Nancy get together. But, hey, that's what next seasons are for, and I'm looking forward to binging the final season of Stranger Things (there maybe a spin-off series, though) which I hope takes less than three years to get back on the screen.
more parallel worlds ... "flat-out fantastic" - says Scifi and Scary
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