22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Westworld 4.2: The Meta-Story

Westworld 4.2 continued the leaner, meaner narrative that apparently will typify this season, and I'm glad of it.

Among the most salient developments:

[Spoilers ahead ... ]

1. The Man in Black aka William is in top murderous form.  He's the main source of evil.  His better-looking self is an AI host, with his human originator back in some pathetic Matrix-like stasis.  He (William host) seems close to taking over the US government itself, having already taken care of the Vice President.  I said last week that I thought William throwing his mob-like self around like this was a little trite.  But it's now so audacious, I'm beginning to enjoy it.

2. Maeve and Caleb continue as the best/only good guys in the fray.  It's (of course) no easy battle.  The host makers have improved the models, to the point where they're not quite amenable to Maeve's control.  But the two make a good team, and animate every scene they're in.

3. Christina once Delores continues to have the most interesting intellectual story, at least in my book: what she writes seems to become reality, or at least insofar as one character.  This kind of meta storytelling, in which characters literally jump off the page or screen, is always fun to see.

Still missing in action in Bernard, who must have an important role this season.  And Teddy, after making that dramatic entry at the end of 4.1, wasn't on hand at all in 4.2, but I'm sure we'll see him again soon.

And I'll see you back here next week with my review of the next episode.

They're coming out into the open, for the first time in centuries ....

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