22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New New Media promo video - find the mindo...

Penguin/Pearson promo video for New New Media ...

See if you can spot the typo - actually, what I call a "mindo" - not a misspelling, but a wrong, acoustically similar word. It's only appropriate that this appears in the publisher's promo video, since I tend to make them all the time... :)

More on New New Media, published 3 September 2009.


Itay Banner said...

Perhaps you mean "conversant in expert in them" (Should've been "AND expert", no?). BTW, for some reason I can't see the NNM website. is it just me? I got to this blog through Google's cache, but I'm geussing this is now a separate website?

Paul Levinson said...

Yep - you got it! Sharp eyes!

But the New New Media page is loading fine now.

Itay Banner said...

Hehe, cool. Do I get a signed sample copy for that? :-)
Still no luck with your website. a real mystery.

Paul Levinson said...

No, just the deep satisfaction of knowing you saw it :)

On not being able to access the New New page - what exactly is the error message you're receiving?

Meanwhile, here's an alternative way of accessing the same page... http://paullevinson.blogspot.com/2008/05/announcing-my-next-nonfiction-book-new.html

Itay Banner said...

ah, well. can't blame a man for trying :-)

NNM site - problem solved now.

Is there any way to see a table of contents, or the maybe the introduction?

Paul Levinson said...

That's a credo I live by daily - "can't blame a man for trying" - :)

Here's the table of contents and more ...

Lorna said...

Today is Sept. 20. I just heard a replay of your interview from Sept. 9th on NPR about your new (new) book. I am a graduate student at Johns Hopkins taking "Technology and the New Science of Learning". Education has been slow to adopt these new technologies into the learning experience. I introduced your blog site about your new book to our class in our blog discussions. I would love to hear your thoughts on the usefulness versus the acceptable use concern with regards to the use of these technologies in education?

Paul Levinson said...

Thanks for the comment, Lorna.

I think new new media - ranging from blogs to Wikipedia to YouTube and Twitter - are the best things to happen to education since the invention of the printing press.

In short, they give students access to information about a huge variety of subjects. And the accuracy of that information can be easily checked by searching other sources on the Web.

Lorna said...

This new new media, which your title so appropriately indicates, changes extremely rapidly. From your perspective, what will be some outcomes from this sea change of media?
