22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Snowpiercer 1.2: Freezing Prospects

So, the second episode of Snowpiercer - 1.2 - didn't pierce too many veils, snowy of otherwise.

We learned that

  • the administration is a cruel bunch, freezing off a tailee's arm (but we already knew they were cruel) by sticking it out of the speeding train into the freezing cold
  • Andre and his former wife are still good in bed together (of course they are)
  • thawing someone out of the cryogenic drawings is no quick or easy process
But on that last point, I do find those drawers worthy of more unpacking.  It's interesting that, in a frozen world, the people on the train use freezing to take people found guilty of murder out of circulation.   I wonder if there are cryogenic drawers anywhere on frozen Earth outside of the train?  Hey, it's apparently so cold out there that you might not need any special cryogenic process to freeze anyone.   Maybe there are hundreds, thousands, even millions of people unintentionally cryogenically frozen, or frozen by nature not technology.

Also, this may have been explained and I missed it, but why don't they just execute someone found guilty of murder, rather than freezing them.  Were there some doubts about the condemned?  We already know how brutal the administration is, and it must cost plenty of energy to keep someone cryogenically frozen.

And, while we're on the subject of cryogenics, why not just freeze a whole bunch of people and send them on a ship to Alpha Centauri?  Better than dying here on Earth, right?  And better than a train. Well, maybe there wasn't time for a space launch, but surely the snowpiercer took some time to put together.

Looking forward to seeing how some if any of these frozen prospects pan or thaw out in the weeks ahead.

See also Snowpiercer 1: Promising Hybrid

first starship to Alpha Centauri, with just enough fuel to get there

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