22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Killing Eve 3.5: The Darkness

An excellent, standalone episode of Killing Eve - 3.5 - in which Villanelle gets to go back to Mother Russia and her family.

It was clear, or at least I realized, from the beginning that Villanelle was going to kill all or at least some of her family after spending some time with them.  After all, she is a psychopathic or sociopathic (I'm never clear what exactly the difference is) killer.  But it was nice the way it played out.

She spared her brother and the boy (her half-brother) who loved Elton John.  (I've been saying the music is really great this season.)  Both of them were good to her.  So she was good to them.  She was especially good to the boy, leaving him a big wad of rubles sufficient to see Elton John in a farewell concert.  My wife and I saw him in his farewell concert in Hempstead, Long Island in November 2018 (my review is here).  We paid big bucks for that, and it was well worth it.  But it's been a long farewell tour.  Elton John has taken his time saying goodbye to that yellow brick road (sorry, couldn't resist).  So it makes sense that he'd still be touring in this episode of Killing Eve, fortunately written and recorded before the pandemic that's made most concerts around the world virtual (see, for example, mine on April 4, 2020).

But back to Villanelle, what pushes her over the edge, and brings out her killer instinct, is her mother saying she has a darkness within.  Villanelle replies that she her mother has the darkness.  Both statements are true.  But why did Villanelle have to kill her?   See the second paragraph above.

One question: was there anyone in the burning house other than Villanelle's mother?  Maybe not, but tough to say.  We didn't see anyone else - only her mother on the floor.  Anyway, it was a good close to an apt and important episode.  I'm going to watch tonight's episode now, and be back with a review if I'm not too tired,

See also Killing Eve 3.1: Whew! ... Killing Eve 3.2: Bringing It Into Focus ... Killing Eve 3.3: The Third Time's the Charm ... Killing Eve 3.4: Tip Toe Through the Tulips

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